Banking and financial markets

Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities DepositoryQ4 2012

In May 2016, the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository were merged with the Debt securities statistics. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


The introduction of a new sector standard has caused the old tables to stop being updated. New tables have been added that include time series from the first quarter of 2012 and onwards.


Net purchases of securities registered with the VPS, by purchasing sector and type of security. Latest quarter. Market value. NOK million
4th quarter 2012
Shares (listed)Shares (unlisted)Equity certificatesBondsShort-term securities
Total4 0034 42665651 160-13 996
Non-financial corporations2 4862 895801 6103 306
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government00000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government1 21325..4733 998
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government....050
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government197-12 146-510
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises1 3072 86284-998-182
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises10040
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises-542-3-200
Financial corporations7853 123-3635 710836
Norges Bank0..000
Banks1 6522 034-995 051-6 298
Mortgage companies00..9 5611 316
Finance companies-9..0-20
State lending institutions etc...520-10111
Financial holding companies..292-17645
Mutual funds-529-158-269 016-2 478
Investment trusts and private equity funds1154067210
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds-1177722427850
Life insurance companies and pension funds-306-16010 4958 107
Non-life insurance companies-214-91 58783
General government433-102-15 252-1 586
Central government and social security funds502-80-13 457-1 591
Local government-69-22-1 7955
Non-profit institutions serving households-4-13617-674-57
Unincorporated enterprises within households00-1-10
Housing cooperatives etc.......00
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.969-452-121223
Rest of the world-670-1 117729 645-16 498
Unspecified sector40-1-10