Banking and financial markets
The figures give an overview of which institutional sectors hold and issue the securities that are registered with VPS. The value of quoted shares increased by 6.9 per cent in the 1st quarter of 2015.

Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities DepositoryQ1 2015

In May 2016, the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository were merged with the Debt securities statistics. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


The introduction of a new sector standard has caused the old tables to stop being updated. New tables have been added that include time series from the first quarter of 2012 and onwards.


Stocks of bonds registered with the VPS, by holding sector. Market value. NOK million
2nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 2015
Total1 741 5601 750 9481 772 8111 776 345
Non-financial corporations40 56740 18544 68142 828
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government3 2113 2264 7573 849
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government6557
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government11 28610 14414 76713 087
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises24 07324 80023 07123 713
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises139146134139
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 8521 8631 9482 033
Financial corporations1 148 4801 134 4771 130 2391 123 966
Norges Bank0000
Banks365 759353 897350 651361 077
Mortgage companies108 98093 14495 83465 478
Finance companies11611300
State lending institutions etc.15410110299
Financial holding companies2 2382 1482 8593 837
Mutual funds238 401244 767232 944246 024
Investment trusts and private equity funds709700668626
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds6 6586 6416 1286 080
Life insurance companies and pension funds365 366372 286380 090379 120
Non-life insurance companies60 09960 67960 96361 626
General government107 019109 023105 091116 682
Central government96 86798 87295 084106 476
Local government10 15210 15110 00710 206
Non-profit institutions serving households7 1837 0936 7446 592
Households8 4628 7778 2098 131
Unincorporated enterprises within households16181717
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.0000
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.8 4478 7598 1928 114
Rest of the world429 818451 361477 805477 898
Unspecified sector313243248