Banking and financial markets
The figures give an overview of which institutional sectors hold and issue the securities that are registered with VPS. The value of quoted shares was NOK 1 913 billion at the end of the 2nd quarter of 2015, i.e. about the same level as at the end of the previous quarter.

Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities DepositoryQ2 2015

In May 2016, the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository were merged with the Debt securities statistics. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


The introduction of a new sector standard has caused the old tables to stop being updated. New tables have been added that include time series from the first quarter of 2012 and onwards.


Stocks of listed shares registered with the VPS, by holding sector. Market value. NOK million
3rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
Total1 934 8431 788 8281 912 2671 912 569
Non-financial corporations213 837221 987225 001222 218
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government5 0004 4011 3391 400
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government2111
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government1109810388
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises207 193215 900221 922219 061
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises110969290
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 4211 4911 5441 577
Financial corporations205 711193 594198 470197 566
Norges Bank0000
Banks10 8628 8867 1637 814
Mortgage companies0000
Finance companies6221
State lending institutions etc.5555
Financial holding companies196757167
Mutual funds99 10794 85196 41397 676
Investment trusts and private equity funds755664631671
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds65 15259 30664 96762 602
Life insurance companies and pension funds25 92025 80025 42125 161
Non-life insurance companies3 7084 0053 7973 569
General government717 896630 634692 548686 168
Central government712 225624 986686 153679 923
Local government5 6705 6486 3956 245
Non-profit institutions serving households27 34524 75627 91828 191
Households69 19264 66069 60769 030
Unincorporated enterprises within households29253033
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.0000
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.69 16364 63569 57768 997
Rest of the world700 604652 784698 485709 169
Unspecified sector259413239227