Population;Immigration and immigrants

Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration2017


Attitudes towards seven statements on immigrants. Per cent
Most immigrants make an important contribution to Norwegian working life
Strongly agree33263129322932302127
Agree on the whole42454745484345424544
Neither agree nor disagree151581191310151415
Disagree on the whole791010810971410
Strongly disagree2433343343
Don't know1111111211
Most immigrants abuse the system of social benefits
Strongly agree8910108118889
Agree on the whole19202125242121172217
Neither agree nor disagree19191214141413181518
Disagree on the whole32343532343333323537
Strongly disagree19171916161721201819
Don't know3242333522
Most immigrants enrich the cultural life in Norway
Strongly agree33323435343236362833
Agree on the whole38383839393733353935
Neither agree nor disagree12149991212121313
Disagree on the whole1010101110131381213
Strongly disagree5454545665
Don't know2132322222
Most immigrants are a cause of insecurity in society
Strongly agree1210111110119799
Agree on the whole21232524232419192318
Neither agree nor disagree1815811121210151314
Disagree on the whole29333329313031303133
Strongly disagree20192123232229272325
Don't know1121212211
All immigrants in Norway should have the same opportunities to have a job as Norwegians
Strongly agree70676667636267665864
Agree on the whole20222221232420212824
Neither agree nor disagree5433434554
Disagree on the whole4455676564
Strongly disagree2233342333
Don't know0111101111
Immigrants should make an effort to become as similar to Norwegians as possible
Strongly agree22212725252321212323
Agree on the whole24262427272625232826
Neither agree nor disagree1513811111013151210
Disagree on the whole26252723232526252727
Strongly disagree1413121413161315913
Don't know0121112211
Labour immigration from non-Nordic countries makes a mainly positive contribution to Norwegian economy
Strongly agree.242625272429292126
Agree on the whole.444445454241374239
Neither agree nor disagree.1799101412151616
Disagree on the whole.11121310121191212
Strongly disagree.344443554
Don't know.264444653