Construction, housing and property

Construction, new orders (discontinued)Q1 2003

Statistics Norway has decided to stop the publication of the Construction, new orders from the first quarter of 2018. One reason for this was that the statistic previously was a part of Eurostat's regulation for short-term statistics, but this requirement was removed from the regulation in 2012.


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Construction, new orders (discontinued)
Topic: Construction, housing and property

Responsible division

Division for Business Cycle Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Order refers to a client’s request to the construction producer for future production and deliveries.

New orders is the value of all new orders the enterprises has received in the course of the quarter, including orders completed in the course of the same quarter.

Order reserves is the value of all orders in the stock that the enterprises has left to fill by the end of the quarter.

The value of an order is the sales value, excluding VAT, but including any productions and sales taxes and subcontracts of the project (contract) covered by the order. The order amount associated with rigs and modules is not counted.

Standard classifications

Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007)

The indices are published by project groups as follows:

Residential buildings also includes combined buildings where at least 50 per cent of the utility floor space is for housing purposes. This group also includes garages, outbuildings and other small houses in connection with dwellings.

Other buildings also includes holiday homes and old people's homes/nursing homes.

Rehabilitation of buildings includes repair, improvement and maintenance. If the rehabilitation project also includes additions, the order is regarded as a new building if the addition makes up more than 50 per cent of the value of the order.

Civil engineering works also includes common systems (road, water and sewer, cables etc.) in connection with the development of large housing estates or industrial areas.

The stock of orders is broken down geographically in relation to an aggregation of counties in 8 regional districts:

- Oslo, Akershus and Østfold

- Hedmark and Oppland

- Telemark, Vestfold and Buskerud

- Aust- and Vest-Agder

- Rogaland

- Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane

- Møre og Romsdal, Sør- and Nord-Trøndelag

- Nordland, Troms, Finnmark and Svalbard

Administrative information

Regional level

Indices of new orders are only calculated on a national level. Indices for unfilled orders are broken down into 8 districts.

Frequency and timeliness

Quarterly. The statistics are published about 8 weeks after the end of the quarter.

International reporting

Not relevant.


Data at the enterprise level are stored as text files on LINUX.


Background and purpose

The order statistics are a leading indicator for the future production. The survey measures the value of new orders received during the period concerned and the stock of orders at the end of the period in current prices. The statistics started in 1977 and a major revision was conducted in 1992. The projects residential buildings and non-residential buildings were divided in new buildings and renovations. At the same time the sample was expanded from all the establishments employing 29 persons or more to all establishments employing 20 persons or more.

Users and applications

The construction industry and the financial and economic sector analyses environment.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Coherence with other statistics

The order statistics are a leading indicator on future production and turnover in the construction industry and is utilized for controlling purposes with corresponding information on production and turnover .

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, Sections 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3.

EEA reference

Not relevant.



The population is all enterprises in the construction sector according to Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007):Section F: Construction except group 41.1, Development of building projects. The observation unit is enterprises, but before 2016 local Kind of Activity Unit (local KAU) data was collected.

Data sources and sampling

Information from enterprises through a quarterly survey and data on employment from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises.

The sample includes all the enterprises employing 20 persons or more, about 2 200 units. These enterprises cover about 30 percent of the employment in the construction industry.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The data is collected by electronic survey at the end of the quarter, and the questionnaire can be filled out by Statistics Norway on Internet at Altinn, Altinn.no.


Mathematical and logical controls are incorporated in the registration procedure to verify the consistency in the values stated on the form and the correspondence with reserve values given the previous quarter. If a discrepancy is discovered, the respondent is contacted by phone or e-mail.

Indices are calculated by comparing new orders and stock of orders for enterprises included in the sample both in the basis quarter and in the statistical quarter in question. The data from the sample enterprises are not grossed up to the population. It is assumed that the development in the sample is representative to the development in the whole population.

The index is published as a value index with the year 2010 as reference period.

The calculations can be described by the following equation:



U t = all enterprises in the sample giving data in quarter t .

O t = the value of new orders or the value of stock of orders in quarter t.

O o = the value of new orders or the value of stock of orders in quarter o .

The sample is updated every first quarter of a year. The index figures are chained with the first quarter as new basis.



Seasonal adjustment

Seasonally adjusted series are available for stock of orders for civil engineering, construction total and residential buildings. The numbers are adjusted for seasonal variations applying the X12ARIMA method with non-fixed seasonal effects and multiplicative model. No pre-correction of trading-day or Easter effects. Trend data are computed for all series.

Read more: Seasonally adjustment


Not relevant.

Comparability over time and space

The indices have been published since 1977. In its present form the indices go back to 1992. In 1992 there was a major revision of the index.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The respondent can misunderstand the questions on the form and processing errors can occur in our internal coding procedure.

The response rate at the time of publishing is normally about 97 per cent. In the case of partial non-response the missing information is obtained by phone. There is no imputation.

As a consequence of the fact that the calculation do not include a grossing up of the sample data, sampling errors may occur, if it is a correlation between what we are measuring and the sample. Enterprises with less than 20 employees could have a stronger growth in new order than the sample average. And probably it is a relation between the size of the enterprises and the type of work they carry out.


Not relevant.