Construction, housing and property;Construction, housing and property;Svalbard
bygningsmasse, Building stock, buildings, residential buildings, holiday houses, cabins, commercial buildingsDwelling and housing conditions , Construction, housing and property, Construction , Construction, housing and property, Svalbard

Building stock


Next update

Not yet determined

Key figures


million buildings in Norway 1 January 2021

Building stock by type of building
201720212017 - 2021
In all4 141 4214 237 75396 332
Residential buildings1 534 9291 573 17238 243
Non-residential buildings2 606 4922 664 58158 089
Residential buildings
Detached house1 163 4261 177 79214 366
House with 2 dwellings164 114173 1689 054
Row house, linked house and house with 3 dwellings or more163 355174 44511 090
Multi-dwelling building38 92242 3463 424
Residence for communities5 1125 421309
Non-residential buildings
Holiday house, garage linked to dwelling etc1 855 0471 913 64958 602
Of which:
Chalet, summerhouses etc.426 932440 44313 511
Detached houses and farmhouses used as holiday houses32 80833 099291
Industrial building108 788113 0454 257
Agricultural and fishery building501 801494 588-7 213
Office and business building38 87638 811-65
Transport and communications building11 60912 351742
Hotel and restaurant building31 83732 388551
Building used for education, research, public entertainment and religious activities47 99648 920924
Hospital and institutional care building5 6595 68324
Prison, building for emergency preparedness etc.4 8795 146267

About the statistics

Building stock statistics gives an overview of number of buildings in Norway by type of building and county/municipality. The statistics has been published since 1997.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Building : As a main rule, freestanding building units are to be given a unique building number. Combined units can be assigned individual building numbers when the building parts can be torn down independent of each other.

Row houses in which each dwelling unit lies on the ground are assigned one building number for each dwelling. Vertically divided semi-detached houses in which the housing units are equal shall be given one building number for each unit. On the other hand, horizontally divided semi-detached homes, four-unit houses and larger residential buildings in which the housing units lie on top of each other are assigned one building number for the entire building.

Standard classifications

Type of building is established according to function. Combined buildings, for instance combined dwelling and business buildings, are grouped by the function that occupies the main part of the utility floor space.

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Building stock
Topic: Construction, housing and property

Responsible division

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Regional level

County level. Breakdown on municipal level is available.

Frequency and timeliness

Annually. Numbers are normally published in February.

International reporting



The number of buildings broken down by each type of building and each municipality is until 2005 stored in Excel spreadsheets for each year.

From 2006 micro data are stored as text files on UNIX.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to provide an overview of the number of buildings in Norway, broken down by type of building and counties/municipalities. The statistics have been published since 1997.

Users and applications

Users of the statistics include the municipalities, the building and construction industry and various organizations and institutions.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

See also Principles for equal treatment of users in releasing statistics and analyses.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics of buildings gives an overview over the number of buildings in Norway, while the register based Dwelling stock gives figures on the number of dwelling units in these buildings. One building often contains two or more dwelling units.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, section 3-2.

EEA reference




The statistics include all main buildings (no extensions) larger than 15 m 2 which have been started or completed and have not been reported demolished, burned or eliminated some other way. The observation unit is building.

Data sources and sampling

The statistics on the building stocks are based on data from the Ground Parcel, Address and Building Register (GAB). The owner of the register is the Ministry of Environment, with the Norwegian Mapping Authority professionally responsible. This register contains all buildings in Norway subsequent to the completion of the MABYGG project.

Complete census.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Until 2005 Statistics Norway received Excel files from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, based on transcripts from the GAB. From 2006 the statistics is based on Statistics Norway own statistical version of the GAB-register, the Register of Ground Parcels, Addresses, Buildings and Dwellings (SN-GAB).

The number of buildings broken down by county and main groups of building types is compared with the year before. In the event of major changes from the year before the Norwegian Mapping Authority is contacted for explanation.

Totals are calculated by summation.

Seasonal adjustment




Comparability over time and space

More municipalities are cleaning up their registers. As a result, buildings that were not classified the previous year may have been assigned their correct building type the year after. A number of buildings that were incorrectly classified the previous year may have been assigned the correct building type code the next year. The number of registered buildings in the municipalities may also change from year to year because of the clean up.

From 2007 figures over the building types &“Detached houses used as holiday houses´´ and &“Farmhouses used as holiday houses´´ in the table containing holiday houses by county.

From 2008 Svalbard is included in the statistics. The figures only include the building stock in Longyearbyen, while other areas at Svalbard are not included in the statistics. This is because only buildings in Longyearbyen is registered in the GAB register.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

There is a possibility that the municipalities make mistakes in registering data in the GAB register. The municipalities that do not put building cases online in the GAB register fill out a form that is sent to the county mapping office. In some cases the forms are filled in incorrectly. There are also some municipalities that for various reasons do not always follow the current registration rules for the GAB register. Buildings may be incorrectly classified, i.e. that a building has been assigned a different type of building in the register than it should have. The statistics can also include buildings that are torn down, burnt down or otherwise non-existing, if not reported to the municipality.

