ElectricityDecember 2013


All releases for Electricity - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
12 July 2001 May 2001 Electricity production down considerably
14 June 2001 April 2001 Record high imports of electricity
10 May 2001 March 2001 Record high electricity consumption
6 April 2001 February 2001 Record high electricity consumption
8 March 2001 January 2001 Still high production of electricity
8 February 2001 December 2000 High consumption and production of electricity
14 December 2000 October 2000 Export of electricity still high
8 November 2000 September 2000 Electricity production towards new highs
12 October 2000 August 2000 Electricity consumption still high

All releases for Electricity - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
12 July 2001 2001 Electricity production down considerably
14 June 2001 2001 Record high imports of electricity
10 May 2001 2001 Record high electricity consumption
6 April 2001 2001 Record high electricity consumption
8 March 2001 2001 Still high production of electricity
8 February 2001 2000 High consumption and production of electricity
14 December 2000 2000 Export of electricity still high
8 November 2000 2000 Electricity production towards new highs
12 October 2000 2000 Electricity consumption still high

For previous releases also see: Electricity, annual figures.