Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing

Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account2013-2014


Energy balance for Norway. GWh
2013All energy productsCoalCokePetroleum cokeBiofuel and wasteCrude oilGasolineKeroseneMiddle distillatesHeavy fuel oilLPG /NGLNatural gas/LNGOther gasesHydro- and wind energyElectricityDistrict heating
1.1 Primary energy production2 264 62814 4780016 371839 91155 65500094 1541 113 4790130 58000
2 Imports96 3995 0303 3053 5212 01521 3363 0857 04015 41122 4613 06000010 1350
3 Exports2 013 80516 14110430490698 85994 3934 33631 85821 69683 1361 047 3150015 1400
4 International bunkers11 0710000005 7172 9102 444000000
4.1 International marine bunkers5 35400000002 9102 444000000
4.2 International aviation bunkers5 7170000005 71700000000
5 Changes in stocks (+ = net decrease,- = net increase)9782 320412940-1 149-159-340-304526900000
6 Total energy supply (1+2-3-4+5)337 1305 6883 3353 38517 897161 239-35 813-3 353-19 660-1 67514 34766 1640130 580-5 0050
7 Statistical differences (6+8-9-10-12)30 253-46246627704 0388 7685395 647-3 2914 3349 9360000
8 Transformation4 175-566-7412 060-5 748-157 20156 1969 50480 423203 612-4 32712 346-130 580132 9756 202
8.1 In blast furnaces-479-369-741000000000631000
8.2 In oil refineries5 265002 0600-157 20155 5449 50480 634-1 1216 67209 171000
8.3 In thermal power plants-1 780000-207000-4700-4 179-27702 9300
8.4 In combined heat and power plants-1 612-19700-2 922000-240-1-5-1 11504602 191
8.5 In district heating plants5000-2 619000-1400-75-144-320-9964 010
8.6 In hydro- and wind power plants0000000000000-130 580130 5800
8.7 Other transformation2 77600000652001 141-2 98503 968000
9 Energy industries own use60 74300000303 30903741 3097 82808 2488
9.1 Crude petroleum and natural gas production50 75200000003 2210041 306006 2240
9.2 Coal mines11000000006900000410
9.3 Petroleum refineries8 4290000000803707 82805550
9.4 Pumping storage power plants78600000000000007860
9.5 Hydro electric power plants591000003011000005760
9.6 Thermal power plants140000000000000140
9.7 In combined heat and power plants330000000000300300
9.8 District heating plants300000000000000218
10 Losses in transport and distribution9 981000000000016049908 0241 299
12 Final consumption including non-energy use240 3305 5842 1295 16912 149011 6125 61251 8101 63713 58610 4314 0190111 6984 894
12.1 Final energy consumption, excl. non-energy use217 6524 9652 12923912 149011 6125 61251 8101 6372 0134 8764 0190111 6984 894
13 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying66 3744 9622 1262164 03000112 4651 3201 5363 1653 924042 065554
13.1 Mining and quarrying1 4900001200482301748005852
13.2 Manufacture of paper and paper products5 9290001 85400018347111274903 45271
13.3 Food and beverages4 202000460055200294561002 596179
13.4 Manufacture of industrial chemicals15 5102 02350706860011182004341 2513 27706 883131
13.5 Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro-alloys9 2202 0531 51883210005523121354304 8981
13.6 Manufacture of aluminium and other non-ferrous metals19 895002500006201434260019 2299
13.7 Non metallic mineral prod5 0698871011074510014657504735755401 2043
13.8 Other manufacturing5 0590009600014050152165003 217158
14 Transport57 4240001 457011 3314 67637 912111221 1991007050
14.1 Railways and subways8830008000170000007050
14.2 Air transport4 69000000144 67600000000
14.3 Road transport42 6310001 449010 838030 14802216310000
14.4 Coastal shipping9 2200000047907 59411101 0360000
15 Other sectors93 85433236 662028192411 43420645551284068 9284 340
15.1 Fishing5 295000006744 85117100002010
15.2 Agriculture3 636000550321 54801177001 8465
15.3 Households47 6692306 11602004637410101430038 9181 083
15.4 Private and public services, incl defence33 9991023414064542 6543410628284026 6863 253
15.5 Construction3 256000770521 64002479001 2770
16 Non energy use22 67861904 93000000011 5745 5550000
16.1 In manufacture of industrial chemicals17 3090019700000011 5575 5550000
16.2 In other industry5 36961904 7330000001700000
Memo1: Natural gas flared off on oil fields and terminals5 05800000000005 0580000