Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing

Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account2018


Energy product balance. Preliminary figures1
2017Coal and coal products (ktonn)Natural gas (mSm3)Gasoline and road diesel (excl. bio.) (ktonn)Oil and other oil products (ktonn)Biofuels (ktonn)Renewable waste (ktonn)Non-renewable waste (ktonn)Electricity (GWh)District heating (GWh)
1Energy product balance 2018 wil be published by end of september 2019
1 Total production691128 2168 24599 7522 636797632149 3606 400
2 Imports1 19201 3366 888425006 1120
3 Exports75123 2335 84181 5681490021 2760
4 International bunkers045068600000
5 Stock changes9-110941 01200000
6 Total energy supply (1+2-3-4+5)1 8174 8293 83425 3992 912797632134 1956 400
7 Transformation input40539439318 3634677204801 0460
8 Energy industries own use34 887093701010 3962
9 Distribution losses197785-7600009 153693
10 Final consumption (11+12)1 3461 1242 0625 1322 44077152113 6725 714
11 Non energy consumption8959901 85200000
12 Final energy consumption1 2565252 0623 2792 44077152113 6725 714
12.1 Manufacturing, const.and non-fuel mining industries1 25634408435587714446 0621 003
12.2 Transport0972 7431 083585005770
12.3 Other08316711 2970967 0324 711
12.3.1 Agriculture and forestry01611280001 8555
12.3.2 Fishing0001100002060
12.3.3 Commerce and public services0580370470925 1043 435
12.3.4 Households09598-5351 2490039 8681 271
13 Statistical difference (6-7-8-9-10)44-1 583-42 324500-72-9
Memo01: Gas flared off on oil fields and terminals039000160000
Memo02: Venting of natural gas on oil fields00300000