Energy and manufacturing;National accounts and business cycles
The business tendency survey provides current data on the business cycle for manufacturing, mining and quarrying. Employment decreased in Q2 2014.

Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarryingQ3 2014


Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Judgements and composite indicators. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
3rd quarter 20134th quarter 20131st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 2014
1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
2Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
3Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
Diffusion indices1
Stocks of orders compared to current level of production33.535.135.635.435.6
Stocks of orders for export42.344.946.646.745.2
Inventories of own products ment for sale49.649.349.149.049.5
Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments51.151.651.450.750.3
General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter54.954.954.453.452.1
Composite indicators
The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent79.579.980.480.379.9
Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average4.
Indicator on resource shortage226.327.829.027.324.5
Confidence Indicator368771