Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ2 2013


Investments. Estimated investments next year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201320142014 / 2013
Collected in Q2 the previous yearCollected in Q2 the previous yearDif.2Per cent2
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q2 in the previous year.
Manuf., mining and electric power36 37339 4563 0838
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying15 25516 2781 0237
Mining and quarrying6821 27659487
Manufacturing14 57315 0024293
Food, beverages and tobacco4 3114 104-207-5
Food products3 8503 529-321-8
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather1271916450
Wood and wood products41356114836
Paper and paper products401339-62-15
Printing, reproduction261129-132-51
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac2 5872 87929211
Basic chemicals1 6301 92229218
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 005826-179-18
Basic metals1 6131 583-30-2
Non-ferrous metals1 2081 173-35-3
Fabricated metal products998815-183-18
Computer and electrical equipment682741599
Machinery and equipment7821 46868688
Ships, boats and oil plattforms600307-293-49
Transport equipment n.e.c212448236111
Repair, installation of machinery453480276
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.12812911
Electricity, gas and steam21 11823 1782 06010
Production of electricity7 6807 8531732
Transmission and distr. of electricity11 47014 0442 57422
District heating and gas1 9681 281-687-35
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods7 8027 869671
Capital goods2 5873 14655922
Consumer goods4 3184 195-123-3
Durable consumer goods189148-41-22
Non-durable consumer goods4 1294 047-82-2
Energy goods21 66624 2452 57912