Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
The investment statistics monitor the development in investments within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply. Estimates for 2015 show a 12 per cent decline

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ3 2015


Investments. Estimated investments current year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201420152015 / 20142015 / 2015
Collected in Q3 the same yearCollected in Q2 the same yearCollected in Q3 the same yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q3 same year.
3Change in estimated investments for the current year, collected in Q2 same year and Q3 same year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec271 095235 562238 411-32 684-122 8491
Extraction and pipeline transport227 267190 095193 021-34 246-152 9262
Extraction of oil and natural gas222 355185 373188 724-33 631-153 3512
Pipeline transport4 9124 7224 297-615-13-425-9
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying21 64620 68421 254-392-25703
Mining and quarrying1 301904883-418-32-21-2
Manufacturing20 34519 78020 3712605913
Food, beverages and tobacco6 2084 8975 337-871-144409
Food products5 4774 3874 824-653-1243710
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather174166161-13-7-5-3
Wood and wood products610687774164278713
Paper and paper products537515513-24-4-20
Printing, reproduction451249306-145-325723
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac3 1624 2394 2191 05733-200
Basic chemicals2 3082 8392 79849021-41-1
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 1811 4161 38820718-28-2
Basic metals1 8533 0203 0661 21365462
Non-ferrous metals1 3881 9972 04966148523
Fabricated metal products1 129883902-227-20192
Computer and electrical equipment9821 053965-17-2-88-8
Machinery and equipment1 277977932-345-27-45-5
Ships, boats and oil platforms697394380-317-45-14-4
Transport equipment n.e.c392375378-14-431
Repair, installation of machinery1 286564693-593-4612923
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.406344357-49-12134
Electricity, gas and steam22 18124 78324 1371 9569-646-3
Production of electricity7 5588 2217 9824246-239-3
Transmission and distr. of electricity13 21814 84914 9121 69413630
District heating and gas1 4051 7131 242-163-12-471-27
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods10 82811 50011 3475195-153-1
Capital goods4 4062 9533 149-1 257-291967
Consumer goods5 5785 4986 038460854010
Durable consumer goods326292290-36-11-2-1
Non-durable consumer goods5 2525 2065 748496954210
Energy goods250 283215 610217 877-32 406-132 2671