Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
The investment statistics monitor the development in investments within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply. Estimates for 2015 show a 12 per cent decline.

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyQ2 2016


Investments. Estimated investments next year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201620172017 / 2016
Collected in Q2 the previous yearCollected in Q2 the previous yearDif.2Per cent2
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q2 in the previous year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec234 798200 633-34 165-15
Extraction and pipeline transport188 436153 218-35 218-19
Extraction of oil and natural gas185 556150 679-34 877-19
Pipeline transport2 8802 539-341-12
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying18 82817 014-1 814-10
Mining and quarrying630414-216-34
Manufacturing18 19816 600-1 598-9
Food, beverages and tobacco3 6703 463-207-6
Food products3 3693 328-41-1
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather157136-21-13
Wood and wood products5821 11853692
Paper and paper products143134-9-6
Printing, reproduction1461702416
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac5 0733 299-1 774-35
Basic chemicals3 0462 343-703-23
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.9251 32640143
Basic metals3 9964 65365716
Non-ferrous metals3 5834 45587224
Fabricated metal products774423-351-45
Computer and electrical equipment707732254
Machinery and equipment874438-436-50
Ships, boats and oil platforms282133-149-53
Transport equipment n.e.c2723144215
Repair, installation of machinery474128-346-73
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.12413286
Electricity, gas and steam27 53330 4022 86910
Production of electricity8 9018 674-227-3
Transmission and distr. of electricity17 36020 7963 43620
District heating and gas1 273932-341-27
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods11 08311 7847016
Capital goods2 3771 407-970-41
Consumer goods3 7673 582-185-5
Durable consumer goods13914232
Non-durable consumer goods3 6283 440-188-5
Energy goods217 571183 860-33 711-15