Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyDecember 2012


Turnover. Annual numbers, by division, main industrial groupings and market. Unadjusted series. NOK million123
201020112012Yearly change in per cent
2011 / 20102012 / 2011
1The Figures can be revised twice after published, but no later than 6 months after the initial publishing.
2Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
3The levels of aggregation refer to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity1 485 4271 576 9101 657 7416.25.1
Domestic market747 839737 279776 790-1.45.4
Export market737 585839 631880 95213.84.9
Extraction and related services562 550666 792730 19118.59.5
Domestic market110 552143 246166 75929.616.4
Export market451 998523 547563 43315.87.6
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying766 355773 144813 3970.95.2
Domestic market483 731461 296500 938-4.68.6
Export market282 626311 847312 46010.30.2
Mining and quarrying12 52713 87114 28110.73.0
Domestic market7 5148 1128 4698.04.4
Export market5 0145 7575 81414.81.0
Manufacturing753 828759 270799 1150.75.2
Domestic market476 216453 181492 468-4.88.7
Export market277 611306 089306 64810.30.2
Electricity, gas and steam156 522136 974114 153-12.5-16.7
Domestic market153 561132 739109 095-13.6-17.8
Export market2 9614 2365 05943.119.4
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods334 241368 525383 35610.34.0
Domestic market214 238240 626262 69512.39.2
Export market120 003127 897120 6616.6-5.7
Capital goods229 179202 989234 213-11.415.4
Domestic market163 437140 056164 992-14.317.8
Export market65 74562 93269 222-4.310.0
Consumer goods195 172193 467196 690-0.91.7
Domestic market147 999145 367150 228-1.83.3
Export market47 17548 10146 4632.0-3.4
Energy goods726 834811 929843 48111.73.9
Domestic market222 170211 228198 876-4.9-5.8
Export market504 667600 700644 60519.07.3