Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
Index of industrial turnover monitors sales in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining & electricity. Turnover in manufacturing decreased by 0.3 per cent in the last three months.

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyFebruary 2015


Turnover. Monthly numbers, by division, main industrial groupings and market. Calendar adjusted series. 2005=100123
February 201512-monthly change in per cent
December 2014 / December 2013January 2015 / January 2014February 2015 / February 2014
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Adjusted for working-days and for public holidays in Norway.
3Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity135.6-3.1-14.7-7.9
Domestic market157.0-2.2-6.5-0.1
Export market119.6-3.8-20.5-14.5
Extraction and related services131.4-9.6-28.9-17.8
Domestic market320.00.7-25.7-14.1
Export market110.4-12.2-29.8-18.9
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying142.0-0.3-2.0-0.4
Domestic market146.0-7.2-0.24.9
Export market136.212.8-3.7-7.7
Mining and quarrying96.
Domestic market86.86.615.44.6
Export market113.830.3-12.16.5
Domestic market147.3-7.5-0.54.9
Export market136.612.5-3.7-7.8
Electricity, gas and steam121.710.11.91.6
Domestic market121.
Export market130.932.242.326.1
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods168.
Domestic market188.74.4-1.35.5
Export market144.617.910.46.1
Capital goods185.02.1-2.60.4
Domestic market180.4-4.0-4.8-7.3
Export market190.917.61.215.6
Consumer goods133.
Domestic market133.2-
Export market134.319.18.1-0.4
Energy goods112.0-10.8-27.8-18.8
Domestic market133.8-6.0-16.9-2.9
Export market103.9-12.7-31.6-24.8