Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
Index of industrial turnover monitors sales in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining & electricity. Turnover in manufacturing decreased by 0.3 per cent in the last three months.

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyFebruary 2015


Turnover. Annual numbers, by division, main industrial groupings and market. Unadjusted series. NOK million123
201220132014Yearly change in per cent
2013 / 20122014 / 2013
1The Figures can be revised twice after published, but no later than 6 months after the initial publishing.
2Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
3The levels of aggregation refer to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity1 657 1631 684 7351 685 3491.70.0
Domestic market737 845804 842812 6479.11.0
Export market919 318879 892872 701-4.3-0.8
Extraction and related services730 230701 605711 623-3.91.4
Domestic market136 642144 248181 1845.625.6
Export market593 588557 357530 440-6.1-4.8
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying812 740839 787843 6923.30.5
Domestic market492 068521 634506 7786.0-2.8
Export market320 672318 153336 914-0.85.9
Mining and quarrying14 25713 66413 580-4.2-0.6
Domestic market8 4447 7427 469-8.3-3.5
Export market5 8145 9206 1091.83.2
Manufacturing798 483826 122830 1123.50.5
Domestic market483 626513 889499 3096.3-2.8
Export market314 860312 234330 805-0.85.9
Electricity, gas and steam114 192143 345130 03425.5-9.3
Domestic market109 135138 962124 68627.3-10.3
Export market5 0594 3825 349-13.422.1
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods383 566398 659425 5393.96.7
Domestic market232 740254 103270 4729.26.4
Export market150 826144 555155 067-4.27.3
Capital goods233 292256 634267 66510.04.3
Domestic market155 867175 041179 44512.32.5
Export market77 42181 59388 2235.48.1
Consumer goods196 785205 364210 4144.42.5
Domestic market150 323157 362155 8604.7-1.0
Export market46 46348 00354 5553.313.6
Energy goods843 520824 077781 733-2.3-5.1
Domestic market198 915218 335206 8739.8-5.2
Export market644 605605 741574 858-6.0-5.1