Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
Index of industrial turnover monitors sales in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining & electricity. Turnover in manufacturing decreased by 3.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyDecember 2015


Turnover. Monthly numbers, by division, main industrial groupings and market. Calendar adjusted series. 2005=100123
December 201512-monthly change in per cent
October 2015 / October 2014November 2015 / November 2014December 2015 / December 2014
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Adjusted for working-days and for public holidays in Norway.
3Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity134.4-9.2-10.5-14.0
Domestic market156.8-6.0-11.1-12.9
Export market118.5-11.9-10.0-15.1
Extraction and related services122.0-16.7-13.8-20.3
Domestic market300.4-13.1-19.3-11.1
Export market101.5-17.9-11.7-23.0
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying146.4-3.3-9.1-4.6
Domestic market145.1-3.8-10.0-6.1
Export market150.4-2.5-7.7-2.3
Mining and quarrying111.3-8.7-23.6-12.5
Domestic market101.7-11.5-1.6-6.2
Export market126.6-5.4-43.0-23.6
Domestic market146.2-3.7-10.2-6.0
Export market150.8-2.5-6.8-2.0
Electricity, gas and steam127.0-5.6-4.7-30.4
Domestic market131.3-4.9-4.1-30.2
Export market60.0-21.5-15.7-35.6
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods171.31.2-9.2-4.9
Domestic market194.43.8-13.1-5.3
Export market144.7-2.7-2.2-3.3
Capital goods181.6-17.4-23.6-13.0
Domestic market171.7-25.4-35.1-17.1
Export market191.4-3.00.3-7.7
Consumer goods157.
Domestic market151.
Export market181.
Energy goods102.6-15.6-11.2-24.4
Domestic market109.8-9.21.8-30.4
Export market100.0-17.8-15.7-21.8