Energy and manufacturing;National accounts and business cycles;Energy and manufacturing
Index of Industrial Production monitors added value in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity. Manufacturing decreased by 1.6 per cent from June to July 2015.

Index of industrial productionJuly 2015


Index of production. Period numbers, by division and main industrial groupings. Calendar adjusted series. 2005=100123
July 2015Twelve-month change
May 2015 / May 2014June 2015 / June 2014July 2015 / July 2014
1The weights are value added at factor prices.
2The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
3Adjusted for working-days and for public holidays.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity77.
Extraction and related services74.
Extraction of crude petroleum54.916.412.73.8
Extraction of natural gas111.75.65.412.7
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying84.9-3.2-3.8-5.7
Mining and quarrying113.7-
Food, beverage and tobacco90.9-0.5-3.6-1.0
Food products95.2-1.4-0.3-0.7
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather34.90.7-3.6-11.2
Wood and wood products37.8-0.92.0-10.4
Paper and paper products46.0-14.9-21.06.2
Printing, reproduction66.6-6.2-8.3-3.3
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac90.1-0.513.5-4.8
Basic chemicals118.410.42.47.1
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.58.62.9-2.3-4.9
Basic metals64.3-11.4-5.7-8.5
Non-ferrous metals84.7-8.8-3.9-9.8
Fabricated metal products81.0-1.0-7.3-11.0
Computer and electrical equipment77.8-1.34.7-14.1
Machinery and equipment124.12.9-3.4-9.1
Ships, boats and oil platforms114.7-16.4-21.2-24.8
Transport equipment n.e.c69.511.61.81.8
Repair, installation of machinery143.76.4-5.02.9
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.35.1-0.85.3-2.5
Electricity, gas and steam89.7-
Main indstrial groupings:
Intermediate goods91.3-11.5-5.1-4.1
Capital goods116.0-2.6-6.9-9.7
Consumer goods71.50.0-0.3-2.6
Durable consumer goods26.10.70.5-5.4
Non-durable consumer goods78.9-0.3-0.5-2.6
Energy goods73.614.89.06.8