Production of industrial goods slightly up
Energy and manufacturing
vti, Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, production value (sold production), production volume, industrial products, PRODCOM, large enterprisesManufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying2001



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Production of industrial goods slightly up

Sales of own produced goods from enterprises in manufacturing, mining and quarrying increased by 2.9 per cent in 2001, in current prices, compared with the sale figures for 2000. Total sales by enterprises covered by this survey were slightly more than NOK 385 billion.

Sales of own produced goods for large enterprises in manufacturing, mining and quarrying. 2000-2001

There are considerable differences among groups of commodities. Production of other transport equipment, including building and repair of ship and oil platforms, had an increase of 22.2 per cent from 2000. This is mainly due to the weak market for the shipbuilding sector in 2000, but the situation improved in 2001. The increased production in this group more or less equals the total increase in industrial production.

Other groups with increased sales are production of machinery and equipment and production of clothes, which increased by 21.5 and 13.8 per cent, respectively.

Decrease in metal production

Among commodity groups with decrease in sales we find production of leather and leather products with a reduction of 22.6 percent. The largest nominal decrease happened however for production of metals. The decline in sales was more than NOK 2 billion, but there was a relatively high increase the year before.

Sales of refined oil products have stabilised and the sales value was more than NOK 33 billion.

The Commodity Statistics are based on information from the 2 506 largest enterprises classified in manufacturing, mining and quarrying. These enterprises contributed to slightly less than 90 percent of the total production in these sectors in 2001.

The enterprise is the surveying and analytical unit in the Commodity Statistics and is the smallest juridical unit. An enterprise may however include several establishments and production plants with activity within different sectors.
