Production in manufacturing up
Energy and manufacturing
vti, Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, production value (sold production), production volume, industrial products, PRODCOM, large enterprisesManufacturing, mining and quarrying , Energy and manufacturing

Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying2005



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Production in manufacturing up

Sales of goods manufactured in Norway rose from 2004 to 2005. The largest rise took place in the oil refining and basic chemicals industry. Most manufacturing industries saw an increase, but the pulp and paper industry went slightly down.

Commodity figures for enterprises in manufacturing, mining and quarrying. 2004-2005

The commodity statistics show a 9 per cent increase in sales of manufactured goods in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, from NOK 414 billion in 2004 to NOK 451 billion in 2005. This is slightly higher than the increase in the manufacturing industry according to preliminary national accounts figures (6 per cent).

Sales in the oil refining and basic chemicals industries rose by more than 20 per cent from NOK 66 billion to NOK 79 billion. Both increased prices and increased production of oil refining products caused the rise. Production of other transport equipment also saw a considerable growth in 2005, from NOK 44 million to NOK 52 billion. Shipbuilding in Norway went up, after a decline in 2004. The largest relative rise is found for production of metal products. The sales of these products went up by 21 per cent. This growth can be explained by the increase in the Norwegian construction industry.

Production of basic metals slightly up

The sales of products from the basic metals industry went up by 2 per cent, from NOK 50 billion to NOK 51 billion. This is a small growth compared to the large increase of both prices and production in 2004. Production of motor vehicles went down by 6 per cent. Also production of pulp and paper went slightly down, by 2 per cent.

The commodity statistics is an annual survey and is based on information from the 2 626 largest enterprises classified under manufacturing, mining and quarrying. These enterprises contributed to more than 90 per cent of the total production in these sectors in 2005.
