Research data from GGS help answer important scientific and societal questions related to demographic changes from a comparative perspective. GGS-I, the first round of surveys, was launched by GGP in 2004, and harmonized longitudinal data from 19 countries are available for research and analytical purposes. Building on a thoroughly revised questionnaire and new nationally representative samples, GGS-II started in 2020. By the end of 2024, 20 countries have conducted the first data collection or a pilot study for GGS-II (GGS-II Wave 1). Several of these, including Norway, have carried out or are preparing the first follow-up survey (GGS-II Wave 2). Other countries will collect GGS-II Wave 1 data in 2025 or 2026.

Data from the national surveys are continuously processed and subsequently made freely available for research and analysis. The Generations and Gender Programme Data Portal ( provides an overview of available datasets from GGS-I and GGS-II, as well as corresponding documentation reports. Researchers can request access to these data through the GGP website (

Generations and Gender Survey in Norway

In Norway, data collection for the first round of GGS-II (Wave 1) took place in November 2020. The dataset includes responses from over 5,000 respondents. In April 2024, just three and a half years later, all participants from GGS-II Wave 1 were invited to complete the follow-up survey (GGS-II Wave 2). Over 4,000 respondents participated, of which more than 3,700 provided complete answers.

A brief presentation of the Norwegian data and analytical possibilities is given in the “Newsletter,” which can be downloaded below. A comprehensive overview of the data from both rounds of data collection, along with corresponding documentation, is available through the Generations and Gender Programme Data Portal (

National and International Collaboration

GGP was launched in 2000 as the successor to the Fertility and Family Surveys (FFS). Since then, GGP has evolved into a distributed research data infrastructure, with the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) as the host institution. GGP is now in the process of establishing itself as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) and has received support through Horizon Europe, with Statistics Norway (SSB) as a project participant (The GGP Preparatory Phase Project for the ESFRI-Roadmap, Horizon Europe, Grant Agreement No. 101079357).

Norway, represented by the Research Department at Statistics Norway, has been involved in and contributed to both FFS and GGP from the outset. The Ministry of Children and Families has supported GGP’s project proposal to the ESFRI Roadmap. To ensure Norway’s continued participation and a sustainable future for GGP, the Research Department at Statistics Norway seeks to collaborate with more Norwegian research institutions, equivalent national research data infrastructures, and decision-makers.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in collaborating to strengthen and secure GGP’s long-term development in Norway.

Funding: Ministry of Children and Families, the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, the Ministry of Culture and Equality, and the Research Council of Norway (project no. 300870).

Project period: 2020-2029

Lars Dommermuth

Janna Bergsvik

Kenneth Aarskaug Wiik

Trude Lappegård (University of Oslo)


Documentation reports

Gauthier, A. H., et al. (2021). Generations and Gender Survey Baseline Questionnaire 3.1.1 ( The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.

Dommermuth, L. & Lappegård, T. (2021). The Norwegian Generations and Gender Survey, Round 2 - Wave 1 (2020). Documentation of the data collection process ( Technical working paper. The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.

Dommermuth, L. & Lappegård, T. (2021). The Generations and Gender Survey 2020 in Norway ( GGP Connect Seminar, 3/2021.

The Generations and Gender Programme (2020). Technical Guidelines ( The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.

The Generations and Gender Programme (2020). Norway. National Questionnaire in Norwegian (GGS II – Wave 1) ( Generations and Gener Programme Colectia Portal.

Lappegård, T. & Veenstra, M. (2010). Life-course, generation and gender. LOGG 2007. Field report of the Norwegian Generations and Gender Survey (2007). Documents 34/2010. Statistics Norway: Oslo.

Selected scientific publications (using Norwegian GGP-data)

OECD (2023). Exploring Norway's Fertility, Work, and Family Policy Trends, Paris, OECD Publishing,

Arnsen. H. S. (2023). Arbeidsdeling i hjemmet: Er likestilte par mer fornøyde? [Division of household labour: Are gender equal couples more satisfied?], SSB analyse 2023/7.

Leocádio, V., Gauthier, A. H., Mynarska, M., & Costa, R. (2023). The quality of fertility data in the web-based Generations and Gender Survey. Demographic Research, 49(3), 31-46.

Krapf, S., Buber-Ennser, I., & Bujard, M. (2023). Education and Intended Number of Children in Germany,Moldova and Norway: An International Comparison UsingFReDA and GGS-II-data. Comparative Population Studies, 48(2023), 589-628.

Fallesen, P., Dommermuth, L., Hellstrand, J., Simonsen, E., Loft, L. T. G., & Mortensen, L. H. (2022). Research note: comparing ideal family size with observed and forecasted completed cohort fertility in Denmark and Norway. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper, 31(2022).

Dommermuth, L., & Klüsener, S. (2019). Formation and realisation of moving intentions across the adult life course. Population, Space and Place, 25(5), e2212.

Dommermuth, L., Hohmann-Marriott, B., & Lappegård, T. (2017). Gender equality in the family and childbearing. Journal of Family Issues, 38(13), 1803-1824.

Dommermuth, L., Klobas, J., & Lappegård, T. (2015). Realization of fertility intentions by different time frames. Advances in Life Course Research, 24, 34-36.

Wiik, K. A., & Dommermuth, L. (2014). Who remains unpartnered by mid-life in Norway? Differentials by gender and education. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLV(3), 405-424.