Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
GPs and emergency primary health care
The statistics show the population's use of GP and emergency primary health care (consultations) by gender, age, education, immigrant category and country background. Figures for GPs are also given by county of residence. The consultations can be divided into diagnosis groups, but only by patients’ gender and age.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Consultations at a general practitioner (GP) or in emergency primary health care during the year, by age groups and by genderDownload table as ...Consultations at a general practitioner (GP) or in emergency primary health care during the year, by age groups and by gender
2023 General practitioner (GP) Emergency primary health care Persons with one or more consultations. Per cent Average number of consultations Persons with one or more consultations. Per cent Average number of consultations All ages 72 3.0 16 0.23 0-5 years 66 1.9 30 0.45 6-15 years 58 1.4 16 0.20 16-19 years 73 2.4 18 0.26 20-29 years 66 2.6 18 0.26 30-49 years 70 3.2 14 0.20 50-66 years 76 3.5 13 0.18 67-79 years 84 3.9 15 0.22 80-89 years 85 4.8 22 0.34 90 years or older 66 3.5 25 0.38 Males 66 2.4 16 0.22 Females 77 3.6 17 0.24 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of consultations by diagnosis groups, absolute numbers and percentagesDownload table as ...Number of consultations by diagnosis groups, absolute numbers and percentages
2023 Consultations Percent All diagnoses 16 884 831 100.0 Infections of the respiratory passages, incl. ear infections 1 447 466 8.6 Local pains and infections 1 320 046 7.8 Back problems 607 018 3.6 General pains and muscle problems 217 480 1.3 Joint and rheumatic problems 268 302 1.6 Mental illness or mental health problems 2 063 314 12.2 Atopy, asthma, allergy or eczema 523 160 3.1 High blood presure 577 560 3.4 Heart disease 358 062 2.1 Diabetes 462 049 2.7 Cancer 248 904 1.5 Gynaecological problems 285 170 1.7 Functional intestinal problems 696 486 4.1 Skin infections 302 994 1.8 Accidents and injuries 496 081 2.9 Congenital illness or defects 29 863 0.2 Pregnancy, birth, contraception 523 313 3.1 Fear of illness 94 773 0.6 Administrative contact 439 988 2.6 Preventive contact 555 081 3.3 Other diagnoses 5 367 721 31.8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 24 March 2025.
Consultation: the definition is taken from the Norwegian Medical Association’s ( Den Norske Legeforening ) "Normal tariff for private general practice 2016-2017" (link - in Norwegian only), and the following rates are included:
- 2ad – Consultation with a doctor, day rate
- 2ak – Consultation with a doctor, evening rate
- 2ed – Group treatment per patient for guidance, instruction in own treatment and building a self-help network within a group of patients with chronic illnesses or disabilities
- 2ae - Electronic consultation. New in 2013
2ae - Electronic consultation is a new rate, and can only be used when there is already established a disease/disorder by the patients doctor. The communication must include a medical evaluation and is completed when the doctor has considered the request and given a response. Electronic consultation is only allowed on patient computer systems that can communicate on security level 4, due to the rules of information-security in health care and social services sector.
These rates are all consultation rates for regular GPs. Other rates, like individual patient contact (including individual enquiries and advice given in person, via letter or telephone, writing of prescriptions and doctor’s certificates without consultation), tests carried out without a consultation and home visits, are all excluded from the statistics. Consultations and other contact with emergency clinics and specialists are included in the KUHR database, but are not included in the GP statistics.
Emergency primary health care tables are based on the following rates:
- 2ad – Consultation with a doctor, day rate
- 2ak – Consultation with a doctor, evening rate
- 2fk – Consultation and emergency response to medical practice during out-of-hours services (new in 2012)
- 2nk – Emergency response from own home to medical practice for doctors on call at night (new in 2012)
Emergency primary health care services : Municipalities in Norway are responsible for organizing emergency primary health care services for all inhabitants and visitors in the municipality (due to Municipal Health Services Act from 1984). GPs are obliged to give immediate medical help and to participate in the local emergency primary health care service. But approximately half of all municipal emergency work is done by other doctors, like full time emergency doctors, temps and hospital doctors. Lately we can see a change from municipal-based units to larger inter-municipal co-operations with regular employees and improved competence. Private emergency clinics are not included in the statistics.
Diagnoses : During a consultation the GP or the the doctor at the emergency care sets a diagnosis on the patient. These diagnoses are divided into either groups or chapters. The table showing the diagnosis groups are based on an aggregation of the ICPC-2 codes, into code-groups who in general practice belongs together, either because of similar etiology, approach or treatment. These groups represent some of the most common reasons why a patient seeks a doctor. The ICPC-2 codes in the different groups are given below:
- Infections of the respiratory passages, incl. ear infections: R05, R09-R23, R71-R83, H71-H74
- Local pains and infections: L01, L08-L17, L83, L87,L92,L93
- Back problems: L02-L03, L84-L86
- General pains and muscle problems: A01, L18-L19, L29
- Joint and rheumatic problems: L07, L20, L88-L91, L94
- Mental illness or mental health problems: P01-P26, P28, P29, P70-P99
- Atopy, asthma, allergy or eczema: F71, R02-R03, R07, R96-R97, A92, S02, S87-S88, S98
- High blood pressure: K85-K87
- Heart diseases: K74-K84
- Diabetes: T89, T90
- Cancer: A79, B72-B74, D74-D77, F74, H75, K72, L71, N74, R84-R85, S77, T71,
- T73, U75-U77, W72, X75-X77, Y77-Y78
- Gynecological problems: X01-X22, X28, X29, X70-X74, X78-X81, X84-X99
- Functional intestinal problems: D1-D12, D17-D21, D84-D87, D90, D92, D93
- Skin infections: S03, S09-S11, S70-S76, S84-S85, S92-S93, S95
- Accidents and injuries: A80-A82, A86, A88, B77, D79-D80, F75-F79, H76-H79, L72-L81, L96, N79-N81, R87-R88, S12-S19, S80, U80, X82, Y80
- Congenital illness or defects: A90, B78-B79, D81, F81, H80, K73, L82, N85, R89, S83, T78, T80, U85, X83, Y82-Y84
- Pregnancy, birth, contraception: W01-W99
- Fear of illness: A25-A27, B25-B27, D26-D27, F27, H27, K24-K27, L26-L27, N26-N27, P27, R26-R27, S26-S27, T26-T27, U26-U27, X23-X27, Y24-Y27
- Administrative contacts: A97
- Preventive contacts: A98, A981
- Other diagnoses: all other diagnoses
It is also possible to sort the diagnoses by chapters in the ICPC-2 manual (developed by Wonka International Classification Committee). In this system the doctor can code both the causes of contact, different health problems and diagnoses. The chapters are divided after where the symptoms or diseases are located in the body , such as eyes , ear , skin , etc. Cancer, for example, will be spread over several chapters. The ICPC-2 manual contains 17 chapters from A to Z and is based on: general conditions (chapter A), organ systems (totally 14 chapters), psychological problems (chapter P) and social issues (chapter Z). The tables based on diagnoses contain only the main diagnosis set by the GP/emergency care unit, secondary diagnoses are not included.
Regular GP: the regular GP scheme was introduced on 1 June 2011, and gives everyone the right to be included on a list with a regular general practitioner. As of 31 December 2011, only 0.4 per cent of the population were not included in the scheme. Inclusion in the scheme has been stable since its inception in 2001 ( - in Norwegian only). Patients may use a different regular GP where the selected GP has the capacity for this. The scheme is based on the local authorities entering into agreements with a sufficient number of independent regular GPs in order to provide the population with a professionally responsible offer, or employing doctors where relevant. Everyone with an address registered in the population register in Norway is entitled to a regular GP, as are refugees and NATO personnel with a D-number and their families. The doctors receive payment from the local authority for each patient on the list (per capita subsidy). The doctors also receive payment from patients and reimbursements from HELFO according to standard rates as described in the normal tariff. The maximum number of patients per doctor is 2 500. Further details are available at (in Norwegian only).Age is calculated as completed years at the end of the year. The following age groups are used: 0-5 years, 6-15 years, 16-19 years, 20-29 years, 30-49 years, 50-66 years, 67-79 years, 80-89 years and 90 years and older. In StatBank table 10 312 and 10 313 (Immigrant’s use of emergency primary health care, consultations, by age and country of origin), the two oldest age groups are merged into one since there are so few immigrants aged over 90 in some countries.
Gender :
County of residence :
Immigrant category :
The following groupings are used in the statistics: Immigrants (code B), Norwegian-born to immigrant parents (code C), Other population (codes A, E, F, G).
Country background:
In the statistics, persons with immigrant category B (immigrants) are broken down into country background. For persons born outside Norway, the country background denotes (with very few exceptions) the person’s country of birth.
In the statistics, country background is broken down into five country groups:
- Nordic countries excluding Norway
- EU/EEA area excluding Nordic countries
- Europe outside EU/EEA
- Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand
- USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Statistics are also published for 10 individual countries (Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Vietnam, Iran, Germany, Somalia, Philippines, Iraq and Pakistan).
Level of education :
The following groupings are used in the statistics: primary and lower secondary level, upper secondary level, university and university college level, in addition to "No education/unspecified". Persons under the age of 16 are not included in level of education tables.