Your answers are valuable
The survey collects data on students in higher education in Europe. The information from Eurostudent will be used as a basis for analyses and comparisons of students' living conditions in several countries in Europe and for publications about students in Norway.
Eurostudent aims to map students' living conditions during their studies in Norway. In the survey, we ask about, among other things
- study situation
- finances (monthly funds available, monthly costs, study expenses per semester)
- study abroad experiences
- time spent on work and study
- experiences of being a student, including discrimination on the grounds of, for example, your health or sexuality
It takes approximately 20 minutes to answer the questionnaire.
You respond to the survey by filling out a web form. You have been sent a link to the form and user ID and password in the email or letter you received. You can also use the "Complete the survey" button at the top of this page. Then enter the user ID and password that is in the e-mail or letter.
Participants who complete the form, will be entered a draw to win one of five gift cards of NOK 2 000 each and one gift card of NOK 5 000.
The form should work using all browsers and all devices (mobile, PC, tablet). If you experience technical issues, you may still want to try a different browser or device.
Contact us by e-mail or telephone 62 88 56 08 if the technical problems cannot be solved.
You are one of 24,000 students selected to participate in the survey. We cannot interview all students in Norway and we have therefore drawn a random sample that represents all students in Norway.
We need answers from students from all universities or university colleges and we cannot replace you with another if you do not participate. It is voluntary to participate in the survey; however, your answers will contribute to better analyzes and statistics.
- Everyone at Statistics Norway is subject to a duty of confidentiality.
- Your answers will only be used to make official statistics, and individual answers will never be published.
- The survey is conducted in accordance with the Statistics Act and the Personal Data Act. If you have questions about privacy, you can send an e-mail to or read more at our information page about privacy.
- We collect necessary information about you from public records. This applies to information about you from the National Population Register and information about your education and your parents' education from the National Education Database (NUDB) and the Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH).
- Approved research institutions will receive a file with deidentified results where all names and addresses have been removed.
- All data material will be anonymized by 31 December 2025. Before this, you can contact us at any time to withdraw and request that your answers be deleted.
Do you have other questions?
If you do not find the answer to your question here, you can contact us by chat, e-mail or telephone. Please find our contact information at the bottom of this page.