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Your answers are valuable

Statistics Norway (SSB) has conducted surveys about the use of culture among the population of Norway since 1991. The survey aims to produce official statistics on the population’s access to and use of cultural facilities.

The Cultural Activity Survey is Norway's only independent survey that covers the use of cultural facilities and participation in cultural activities. The statistics is an important source of information for public authorities and others who want to participate in the planning and development of cultural facilities in Norway. 

By cultural activity, we mean the use of cultural facilities such as the cinema, library, concerts and festivals, sports, theater, dance, and opera performances. 

To produce reliable statistics on cultural activity, we will ask you about:

  • Your use of the cinema
  • Your use of libraries
  • If you go to concerts or festivals
  • If you read books, e-books or listen to audiobooks
  • If you go to the theater, opera or dance performances
  • If you do any sports, arts, play music or do theater in your spear time

It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey, but this will vary from person to person.

It takes approximately XX minutes to complete the survey.

The sample consists of 4,500 people aged nine and over. Participants have been randomly selected from the National Population Register (Folkeregisteret) to participate in the survey.

For the age group 9-15 years, we will send all information to the parents/guardians. People in the age group 16-17 years will receive all information, but the parents/guardians will receive a letter notifying them that their child has been selected to participate.

We need answers from as many people as possible, and we cannot replace you with another person if you do not participate Participation is voluntary, but your participation helps to ensure that our statistics on cultural activity are as reliable and accurate as possible.

You are invited to answer the survey either by web or phone.

To answer online, use the link on this page, in the email or text message that you have received from us. You can answer in Norwegian, English or Polish.

If you are chosen to answer online, but do not answer within two weeks, you will be contacted by one of our interviewers to conduct the survey by telephone. You can also call us at 62 88 56 08 or send an e-mail to svar@ssb.no to arrange a suitable time to conduct the interview.

The survey should work on all browsers and devices (mobile, PC, tablet). If you experience technical problems, it can still be a good idea to try a different browser or device.

Contact us at svar@ssb.no or 62 88 51 90 if you cannot solve the technical problems.

If you have not yet been contacted by one of our interviewers, it may be because we have not found your telephone number. In that case, we ask you to please contact us and provide us with your contact information.

  • All who work in Statistics Norway are bound by duty of confidentiality. We will never inform anyone about what individual persons have replied in a survey.
  • The survey is carried out with basis in the Statistics Act and the Personal Data Act.
  • We use information from registers Statistics Norway has access to, in order to keep the interview as short as possible. This applies information about you and your parents and the household from the National Register, and information about education from school owners and the Loan Fund. We also use information about income, work, social security and benefits from the Tax Administration and Nav.
  • We anonymize all information within 1st of December 2024. Before this, you can contact us at any time to withdraw and request that the answers be deleted.
  • If you have questions regarding data protection you can contact us at personvernombud@ssb.no or you can read more on our information page about privacy.

Do you have more questions?

You will find the most frequently asked questions about the survey below. If you have additional questions not addressed on this page, please see our contact information at the bottom of this web page. 

If you want to arrange a time for us to contact you, please call 62 88 56 08 or send an e-mail to svar@ssb.no.

If you want to get directly in touch with an interviewer, call 62 88 56 08 after 3 pm.

If you want to answer on the internet, you will find the link and login information in the information you have received from us. If you have not received this information but want to answer on the internet, you can call 62 88 56 08 or send an e-mail to svar@ssb.no to receive the link and your login information.