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Your answers are valuable

The results from this survey will provide insights into inclusion in Norway and offer authorities and the public an understanding of what it has been like to settle in Norway. To obtain an accurate picture of inclusion in Norway, it is important that as many people as possible participate in the survey.

Frischsenteret and SSB will use the data for research purposes.

The questions in the questionnaire cover your experiences, perspectives, and opinions. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, so choose the answers that you feel best represent you. The survey takes approximately 20-25 minutes to complete.

If you have been selected to participate in the survey, you will receive a letter in Altinn or by mail from us. Additionally, we will send you SMS/email with further information if needed. To respond, you can click the box located in the upper right corner of this website, and log in with the user ID and password provided in the letter from us in Altinn or in the letter sent by mail.

You are one of 15,000 people randomly selected from the Population Register among individuals who came to Norway as refugees between 1990 and 2023. The survey follows the sample over time to measure changes. Therefore, we may contact you again before the end of 2031. Participation is voluntary, but your responses will help ensure reliable and accurate results about inclusion in Norway.

  • The survey is conducted in accordance with data protection regulations.
  • Only SSB will handle directly identifiable personal information about you. After data collection is completed, and no later than March 1, 2025, SSB will handle directly identifiable information separately from other data. Directly identifiable information will only be used to contact those who have won gift cards. This allows you to withdraw from the study and for us to contact you again before the end of 2031. You can withdraw and request that your responses be deleted during this period by calling or emailing us.
  • Frischsenteret will only receive data without directly identifiable personal information.
  • The study will end in 2031. At that time, SSB will delete the directly identifiable information stored separately and anonymize all data from the study. From that point, the data at Frischsenteret will also be completely anonymous.
  • To keep the survey as brief as possible, we use information about you, your household, and the area you live in from public registers. In addition to information from the Population Register, such as demographics, family relationships, and immigrant background, this includes information about education that SSB annually collects from schools, counties, and the Student Loan Fund, information about work, income, wealth, benefits, and support obtained from the Tax Administration and NAV, and information about elections and voter turnout from the municipalities' electoral rolls.

Do you have more questions?

If you did not find the answer to your question, you can contact us via email or phone. See contact information at the bottom of this page.