Your answers are valuable
We need your answer to produce and publish statistics about om Municipal Council and County Council Elections in Norway.
In the survey we want information about interest in politics, attitudes to political topics and party elections.
The results from the survey will be used to publish statistics and analysis.
We will ask you about:
- political interest
- if you have voted at the Municipal Council and County Council Elections
- party election
- topics that were important for your voting
- how you got information about the election
- attitudes to various political topics
It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey, but this will vary from person to person.
A sample of 18 600 people aged 18 and over have been randomly selected from the National Population Register to participate in the survey. Some of these were also selected to a similar survey in 2019.
We need answers from everyone who has been selected to participate, and we cannot replace you with someone else. Participation is voluntary, but your answers will help us ensure that our statistics about elections are as reliable and accurate as possible.
If you have been selected to participate in the survey, please answer by filling out an online questionnaire. You have received a letter in Altinn or by mail, in addition to an SMS from Statistics Norway. In the letter in Altinn, you will find a link to the questionnaire you are going to fill out. In the letter sent by mail, you will also find the link, which will take you to the questionnaire you are going to fill out.
You can also use the “Go to survey” button. You will find your username and password in the letter you have received in Altinn or by mail.
You can choose whether to answer the survey in Bokmål, Nynorsk, English, Polish or Arabic.
The survey should work on all web browsers and devices (phone, PC, tablet). However, if you experience technical problems, we recommend you try a different browser or device.
Please contact us at 62 88 56 08 or e-mail if the technical issues are not resolved, and we will help you.
The survey should work on all web browsers and devices (phone, PC, tablet). However, if you experience technical problems, we recommend you try a different browser or device.
Please contact us at 62 88 56 08 or e-mail if the technical issues are not resolved, and we will help you.
- Everyone working at Statistics Norway will treat your information confidentially. Individual answers will not be disclosed.
- You can contact us at any time to withdraw or ask for your responses to be deleted, until 2028 (2025 for those who participated in the Local elections Survey in 2019).
- The survey is carried out in accordance with the Statistics Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have further questions about GDPR, you can send an e-mail to or read more at our information page about privacy.
- For the survey to be as short as possible, we use information about you and your household from public registers. This is information from the period 2023-2028 (2023-2025 for those who participated in the Local elections Survey in 2019). In addition to information from the National Population Register, it is information about education from school owners, counties and the State Educational Loan Fund, information about work, income, wealth, social security and befits from the Norwegian Tax Administration and Nav, information about immigrant background from the National Population Register and information about participation in the election from the municipal electoral roll.
- For those who participated in the Election Survey in 2019 we will connect your answers with those from 2019.
- After the data collection has ended, all names and personal identification number will be removed. The personal identification number will be replaced by a code number. Because we may want to contact you again later, we will keep your personal identification number, but separate from the answers you have given. Within 2028 the code number and personal identification number will be deleted. For those who have participated in the survey in 2019 the code number and personal identification number will be deleted in 2025. Institute of Social Research (ISF) will receive de-identified results. The de-identified data material will be kept by SSB and the researchers at ISF so that it is possible for social researchers to make comparisons with later election surveys.
Do you have more questions?
You will find the most frequently asked questions about the survey below. If you have additional questions not addressed on this page, please see our contact information.
You can take a break from answering the web survey and continue later. Use the same link and you will return to the survey at the same place you stopped.
It is voluntary to answer the survey, but we want answer from everyone that have been selected to the survey, even if you have not voted in the election or is not interested in politics.