Your answers are valuable
Statistics Norway (SSB) is now conducting Adult Education Survey. The purpose of the survey is to produce official statistics on adult’s participation in education and training through courses and seminars the last year.
The statistics is an important source of information for public authorities, research groups and others who wish to facilitate learning possibilities for adults. The survey is part of a European collaboration. The EU’s statistics office, Eurostat, publishes results from the survey to compare adult education in several European countries.
We will ask you about:
- education from which you receive a diploma, a certificate of completed apprenticeship or credits
- participation in courses, seminars, workshops or conferences
- reasons for participating in education and training
- obstacles to participating in education or training
- work, health and languages.
It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey.
A sample of 7 000 people between 18 and 69 years have been randomly selected from the National Population Register to participate in the survey.
We need answers from everyone who has been selected to participate, and we cannot replace you with someone else if you do not participate. Participation is voluntary, but your answers will help us to ensure that our statistics on learning among adults in Norway are as reliable and accurate as possible.
Your answers are important to us even if you have not participated in any learning activities in the last twelve months.
SSB has sent you a letter in the official internet portal Altinn. In the letter, you will find information about how you should conduct the survey, either as an online questionnaire or as a telephone interview.
If you are invited to answer the survey online, please use the link to the questionnaire in the letter sent to you in Altinn. You can also use the «Go to survey» button at the top of this web page. You will find your username and password in the letter you have received in Altinn. If you do not participate within two weeks, you will be contacted by one of our interviewers to conduct the survey by telephone.
If you are invited to answer the survey as a telephone interview, one of our interviewers will call you soon. If we do not get hold of you within two weeks, you will be given the opportunity to respond online.
You can call us at 62 88 56 08 or send us an e-mail at to arrange a suitable time to conduct the interview.
The survey is available should work on all browsers and devices (phone, PC, tablet). However, if you experience technical problems, we recommend you try a different browser or device.
Please contact us at 62 88 56 08 or e-mail if the technical issues are not resolved, and we will help you.
- Everyone working at Statistics Norway will treat your information confidentially. Individual answers will not be disclosed.
- You can contact us at any time to withdraw or ask for your answers to be deleted.
- The survey is carried out in accordance with the Statistics Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have further questions about GDPR, you can send an e-mail to or read more at our information page about privacy.
- Anonymous data from the survey will be made available for statistical use in analysis and research.
- All data held on you will me anonymised within two years after completion of the data collection.
For the survey to be as short as possible, we use information about you, your household and your parents from registers Statistics Norway has access to. For you, this includes information from the National Population Register as well as information about education from school owners and the State Educational Loan Fund. We also collect information about income, employment, welfare benefits and other financial support from the Norwegian Tax Administration and NAV. For your parents, this includes information from the National Population Register and about education, and for your household, this includes information about income.
Do you have more questions?
You will find the most frequently asked questions about the survey below. If you have additional questions not addressed on this page, please see our contact information at the bottom of this web page.
If you want to arrange a time for us to contact you, please call 62 88 56 08 or send an e-mail to
If you want to get directly in touch with an interviewer, you can call 62 88 56 08 after 3 pm.
You can take a break from the web survey and continue later. Use the same link and you will get back to the survey at the same place where you stopped.
If you answer the survey by telephone, it is also possible to split the interview and continue later.