Income and consumption;Immigration and immigrants

Income and wealth statistics for households2019


Property account for households12
20192018 - 2019
Average for households with different property holdings (NOK)Share of households with different property holdings (per cent)NOK millionPercentage change (NOK million)
1Student households are not included.
2All wealth items are based on market value or assumed sales value before any tax valuation discount.
3From 2017 and on, it is possible to own listed shares and mutual fund holdings through a share savings account.
4Figures for unsecured debt are available from 2019.
Estimated real capital3 723 00083.77 593 7214.9
Estimated market value primary dwelling3 751 30069.26 321 8083.8
Estimated market value secondary dwelling2 906 20010.1718 2821.3
Gross financial capital1 419 80099.13 427 2569.5
Bank deposits523 90099.11 264 0694.7
Shares and other securities3 293 40019.71 580 20615.2
Share savings account3448 30017.5191 07949.5
Units of mutual funds207 00026.7134 6767.1
Foreign taxable wealth excl. real properties518 4003.442 96317.6
Estimated gross wealth4 562 10099.211 020 9776.3
Debt1 782 30085.83 724 7345.1
Study debt250 40025.4155 1675.8
Unsecured debt4107 90064.1168 548.
Estimated net wealth3 009 60099.57 296 2446.9
Positive net wealth3 836 30081.27 585 6926.7
Negative net wealth-647 60018.3-289 4481.8
Property taxes43 60015.216 1146.4