Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard

Tax for personal tax payers2012


Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
Number of persons that have amount on different codesAmount (NOK million),Number of persons that have amount on different codesAmount (NOK million),Average for those that have amount on different codes (NOK)
1Work assessment allowance comprises as of 1 March 2010 time-limited disability, vocational rehabilitation and rehabilitation benefits.
2Included contractual pension in private sector which started before 1 January 2011.
3Negative amounts have beed set to zero.
Gross income3 896 1971 479 7563 954 5571 564 230395 600
Personal income from wages and salaries2 934 1491 061 7702 970 9721 122 205377 700
Wages and remuneration2 774 350964 3822 814 1041 023 880363 800
Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 735 8435 0011 775 9485 2623 000
Free car59 4904 89362 6715 20083 000
Estimated taxable income from emplyer-subsidized electronic communication equipment665 4132 581694 8242 6853 900
Unemployment benefits177 38710 676156 7719 66561 700
Work assessment allowance1220 35335 177214 77535 024163 100
Personal income from pensions1 181 639253 8501 209 564273 547226 200
Old-age pensions681 942129 271721 604143 799199 300
Disability pension316 28354 641320 70257 976180 800
Service pensions etc733 38553 181755 29355 87374 000
Contractual pension (AFP).......
Contractual pension (AFP) in public sector261 92111 20156 47210 322182 800
Contractual pension (AFP) in private sector10 06229919 77281841 400
Net entrepreneurial income279 13179 240279 68679 399283 900
Property income3 850 28881 3583 912 64685 36221 800
Interest received3 843 08522 5523 906 33525 1316 400
Taxable share dividends367 81528 703354 22231 35888 500
Taxfree share dividends and gains502 5083 067494 5232 7995 700
Realised capital gains from sales and shares190 97412 359193 94610 25452 900
Deductions3 825 485397 9683 880 642419 358108 100
Minimum deductions3 710 682236 2303 764 983250 22466 500
Travelling expenses425 5746 405434 9506 71615 400
Interest paid2 780 41093 9072 829 965102 26036 100
Realised capital gains from sales of shares162 1749 830130 6106 74251 600
Special deductions369 36210 629350 4019 60027 400
Ordinary income, after deductions33 798 7081 085 7743 856 8801 149 953298 200
Number of residents 17 years and older3 932 2503 993 697