Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard

Tax for personal tax payers2016


Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Average for residents 17 years and older with amount (kr)
Gross income4 100 1691 835 8114 138 5491 849 920447 000
Personal income from wages and salaries3 055 9101 268 2543 066 3201 295 743422 600
¬ Wages and remuneration2 908 3141 162 2162 919 1421 190 185407 700
¬ Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 865 9355 7501 878 1025 5262 900
¬ Free car67 5675 76072 8675 76279 100
¬ Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment752 1833 054760 3643 0764 000
¬ Unemployment Benefits176 99413 316163 83014 91491 000
¬ Work Assessment Allowance197 44533 935192 92333 900175 700
Personal income from pensions969 410253 125984 393267 252271 500
¬ Old-age pensions825 337182 671848 901193 392227 800
¬ Contractual pension (AFP), public sector36 9696 69433 6926 600195 900
¬ Contractual pension (AFP), private sector48 1152 45857 2442 97051 900
Personal income disability benefits373 24482 775379 44286 487227 900
Net entrepreneurial income274 38682 532272 59083 554306 500
Property income4 053 038144 3094 083 134112 13627 500
¬ Interest received4 043 54317 9734 072 09811 5652 800
¬ Taxable share dividends358 52880 189356 75257 002159 800
¬ Tax-free share dividends and gains496 9773 016472 0301 9654 200
¬ Taxable realised capital gains from sales of shares238 53420 904225 82316 95175 100
Deductions4 024 804481 2654 063 323480 052118 100
¬ Minimum deductions3 902 040303 1043 938 461313 71279 700
¬ Travelling expenses397 6486 246275 5804 40316 000
¬ Interest paid2 936 990104 1662 965 59595 28732 100
¬ Realised capital gains from sales of shares138 8098 507150 4078 42956 000
Special deductions174 7896 260170 2366 42637 800
Ordinary income, after deductions3 988 6261 364 0334 022 3951 389 370345 400
Number of persons4 150 9904 150 9904 193 0224 193 0224 193 022