Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard

Tax for personal tax payers2019


Survey of tax assessment for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons with amount and average
Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderResidents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderAverage for residents 17 years and older with amount (NOK)
Basis for surtax/bracket tax4 075 4061 857 1524 110 6411 946 649473 600
Ordinary income after special deduction4 098 3901 496 0784 134 5511 568 172379 300
Personal income wages3 102 9321 392 0833 123 4401 459 516467 300
Personal income pension1 014 213293 7991 028 665308 069299 500
Personal income disability benefits398 25594 843409 384101 614248 200
Personal income from fishing etc.11 3046 57812 7586 794532 500
Personal income from other industry239 69173 642239 20975 093313 900
County wealth tax511 53812 639534 29613 41925 100
County income tax3 737 242187 0483 775 487192 09750 900
State wealth tax510 9492 704533 6332 8715 400
Surtax on gross income.....
Bracket tax3 579 29161 9683 620 42175 70520 900
Community tax3 737 163110 6733 775 389106 56728 200
Membership contribution to the national insurance3 891 192144 0603 933 714150 92438 400
Delay duty:::::
Additional tax:::::
Finnmark deduction68 79593968 82996013 900
Home investment savings for young people (BSU)359 4321 304374 9481 4163 800
Tax limitation according to paragraph 1710 6592349 10820222 200
Tax deduction for old age pensioners859 18613 450871 93913 39615 400
Deduction for foreign services20 3411 48016 9541 61295 100
Assessed taxes3 792 038501 6063 843 994524 102136 300
Number of persons4 268 8754 268 8754 311 0234 311 0234 311 023