Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard

Tax for personal tax payers2019


Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
 Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Average for residents 17 years and older with amount (kr)
1Gross income and property income in 2019 have been corrected March 17th 2021.
Gross income14 221 3891 991 1854 264 2972 083 430488 600
Personal income from wages and salaries3 102 9321 392 0833 123 4401 459 516467 300
Wages and remuneration2 970 0091 292 3213 024 3741 361 466450 200
Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 927 6555 4391 962 8865 7232 900
Free car83 5506 08487 5136 12670 000
Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment792 8993 295816 7643 3174 100
Unemployment Benefits120 60510 618104 4719 02986 400
Work Assessment Allowance180 75332 059168 59529 098172 600
Personal income from pensions1 014 213293 7991 028 665308 069299 500
Old-age pensions889 334212 125909 513222 671244 800
Contractual pension (AFP), public sector36 1827 48236 9787 946214 900
Contractual pension (AFP), private sector75 7473 96584 7814 50953 200
Personal income disability benefits398 25594 843409 384101 614248 200
Net entrepreneurial income266 14286 554265 36388 713334 300
Property income4 168 410119 2244 226 356120 12728 400
Interest received4 155 02312 9334 218 08316 0973 800
Taxable share dividends363 75060 621341 14059 686175 000
Tax-free share dividends and gains458 4981 793448 8311 9724 400
Taxable realised capital gains from sales of shares233 71418 413233 26217 49375 000
Deductions4 082 658511 9384 186 503555 085132 600
Minimum deductions3 818 881332 6384 055 522360 74889 000
Travelling expenses279 4634 962267 2724 59017 200
Interest paid3 042 423103 4993 074 838117 11638 100
Realised capital gains from sales of shares127 7297 116111 6007 34765 800
Special deductions159 4146 105156 3765 97838 200
Ordinary income, after deductions4 098 3901 496 0784 134 5511 568 172379 300
Number of persons4 268 8754 268 8754 311 0234 311 0234 311 023