Labour market and earnings;Immigration and immigrants
innvarbl, Registered unemployed among immigrants (discontinued in Statistics Norway), labour market initiatives, immigrant background, period of residenceUnemployment , Labour market and earnings, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants

Registered unemployed among immigrants (discontinued in Statistics Norway)

The responsibility for the statistics is transferred in accordance with the national programme for official statistics which applied from 1 January 2021.


Key figures

9.2 %

of immigrants are registered as unemployed Q4 2020

Registered unemployed, by immigrant background and region of birth. In absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force in each group
4th quarter 2020
Unemployed personsRegistered unemployed in per cent of the labour force (per cent)
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Registered unemployed, total108 9873.9
Non-immigrant population163 1492.7
All immigrants45 8389.2
The Nordic countries2 2814.9
Western Europe else3 2946.5
EU countries in Eastern Europe13 4389.4
Eastern Europe else3 2637.5
North-America and Oceania3804.9
Asia214 19210.3
Africa7 41813.7
South and Central Amerika1 5729.6

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Registered unemployed, by region of birth and time of residence in Norway. Absolute figures and in per cent of persons in total aged 15-74 years in each group

Registered unemployed, by region of birth and time of residence in Norway. Absolute figures and in per cent of persons in total aged 15-74 years in each group1
4th quarter 20194th quarter 2020
TotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and moreTotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and more
1Note that persons used as denominator give a slightly lower level of unemployed compared to percentages based on the the labour force.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Immigrants, total24 4264 4954 79715 13445 8387 7848 78929 265
The Nordic countries9891651336912 2813722971 612
Western Europe else1 3073092017973 2949655531 776
EU countries in Eastern Europe7 4581 7211 8703 86713 4383 2152 8497 374
Eastern Europe else1 9393842591 2963 2636424962 125
North-America and Oceania16825231203809949232
Asia27 3571 3571 1874 81314 1921 7332 9049 555
Africa4 4473871 0013 0597 4184901 3805 548
South and Central Amerika7611471234911 5722682611 043
Per cent
Immigrants, total3.
The Nordic countries1.
Western Europe else1.
EU countries in Eastern Europe4.
Eastern Europe else3.
North-America and Oceania1.
South and Central Amerika3.

Table 2 
Registered unemployed, by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. In absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force

Registered unemployed, by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. In absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force
4th quarter 20194th quarter 2020Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales4th quarter 2019 - 4th quarter 2020
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Registered unemployed, total59 45433 85325 601108 98762 93146 05649 53329 07820 455
Non-immigrant population135 02820 99014 03863 14937 84325 30628 12116 85311 268
Immigrants, total24 42612 86311 56345 83825 08820 75021 41212 2259 187
The Nordic countries9895983912 2811 3239581 292725567
Western Europe else1 3077735343 2942 1161 1781 9871 343644
EU countries in Eastern Europe7 4584 3893 06913 4387 6235 8155 9803 2342 746
Eastern Europe else1 9397951 1443 2631 4521 8111 324657667
North-America and Oceania168897938023015021214171
Asia27 3573 4043 95314 1927 0577 1356 8353 6533 182
Africa4 4472 5121 9357 4184 5882 8302 9712 076895
South and Central Amerika7613034581 572699873811396415
Per cent
Registered unemployed, total2.
Non-immigrant population11.
Immigrants, total5.
The Nordic countries2.
Western Europe else2.
EU countries in Eastern Europe5.
Eastern Europe else4.
North-America and Oceania2.
South and Central Amerika4.

Table 3 
Registered unemployed, by sex, immigrant background, region of birth and age. Absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force in each group

Registered unemployed, by sex, immigrant background, region of birth and age. Absolute figures and in per cent of the labour force in each group
4th quarter 20194th quarter 2020
Total15-29 years30 years or olderTotal15-29 years30 years or older
1EU/EFTA-countries, North - America, Australia and New Zealand.
2Eastern Europe outside the EU, Asia(Turkey incl.), Africa, South and Central America and Oceania except Australia and New Zealand.
Absolute figures
Total59 45417 09542 359108 98731 96177 026
Non-immigrant population33 79011 31822 47260 55620 64639 910
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents1 2388543842 5931 773820
Country group 1196445221498116
Country group 221 1428103322 3791 675704
Immigrants24 4264 92319 50345 8389 54236 296
Country group 119 9221 7298 19319 3913 63615 755
Country group 2214 5043 19411 31026 4475 90620 541
Males total33 8539 87423 97962 93118 57544 356
Non-immigrant population20 3006 79113 50936 33912 21824 121
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents6905051851 5041 060444
Country group 115626301155164
Country group 226344791551 3891 009380
Immigrants12 8632 57810 28525 0885 29719 791
Country group 115 8498634 98611 2901 7539 537
Country group 227 0141 7155 29913 7983 54410 254
Females total25 6017 22118 38046 05613 38632 670
Non-immigrant population13 4904 5278 96324 2178 42815 789
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents5483491991 089713376
Country group 11508331177990666324
Country group 22401822994752
Immigrants11 5632 3459 21820 7504 24516 505
Country group 114 0738663 2078 1011 8836 218
Country group 227 4901 4796 01112 6492 36210 287
Per cent
Non-immigrant population1.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, total3.
Country group
Country group
Immigrants total5.
Country group
Country group
Menn i alt2.
Non-immigrant population1.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, total3.
Country group
Country group
Immigrants total4.
Country group
Country group
Females total1.
Non-immigrant population1.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, total3.
Country group
Country group
Immigrants total5.
Country group
Country group

Table 4 
Participants on ordinary labour market schemes (job programmes), by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. Absolute numbers and in per cent of persons aged 15 to 74 years

Participants on ordinary labour market schemes (job programmes), by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. Absolute numbers and in per cent of persons aged 15 to 74 years
4th quarter 20194th quarter 2020Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales4th quarter 2019 - 4th quarter 2020
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Participants, total14 8687 4927 37615 0347 6007 43416610858
Non-immigrant population17 7234 4993 2247 8214 6003 22198101-3
Immigrants, total7 1452 9934 1527 2133 0004 21368761
The Nordic countries13667691617784251015
Western Europe else25912413530215814443349
EU countries in Eastern Europe9433016421 00230170159059
Eastern Europe else64118146064318545824-2
North-America and Oceania301515381622817
Asia22 9841 2601 7243 0521 3191 73368599
Africa1 8859719141 707856851-178-115-63
South and Central Amerika2677419330888220411427
Per cent
Participants, total0.
Non-immigrant population10.
Immigrants, total1.
The Nordic countries0.
Western Europe else0.
EU countries in Eastern Europe0.
Eastern Europe else1.
North-America and Oceania0.
South and Central Amerika1.

About the statistics

The statistics show how many immigrants are registered as unemployed with NAV, and how many participate in labour market measures. The number and percentage of immigrants in total, by sex and country of origin, is compared with the rest of the population.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Immigrant: a person born abroad by foreign - born parents.

Unemployed : A person without waged labour who is registered as job searcher at the labour offices placed under the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation, who has been without waged labour the last 2 weeks. In addition he or she does not participate in labour market schemes (job programmes). Workers that are laid off are considered unemployed.

Standard classifications

Time of residence in Norway: under 4 years, 4 - 6 years 7 years and more.

Country of birth (tables 1 - 3): The Nordic countries, Western Europe else, EU-countries in Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe else, Northern America and Oceania, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Country of birth (tables 4 - 6): Group 1 (The Nordic countries, Western Europe else, EU-countries in Eastern Europe , Northern America, Australia and New-Zealand). Group 2 (Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania except Australia and New-Zealand).

EU countries in Eastern Europe (table 7): Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria.

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Registered unemployed among immigrants (discontinued in Statistics Norway)
Topic: Labour market and earnings

Responsible division

Division for Labour Market and Wage Statistics

Regional level

County and the whole country.

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Not relevant


Background and purpose

The main purpose is to describe the unemployment among immigrants according to gender, age, time of residence in Norway, country of birth and county of residence.

Users and applications

The Labour Market Authorities, other public administration, mass media and social research.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Employment statistics for immigrants. These statistics are published annually on the internet and comprise both wage earners and self employed.


The registered unemployed at NAV must not be confused with the concept of unemployment in the LFS. The figures from the LFS also include unemployed persons who do not register with NAV, some of them who take part in labour market initiatives and some of them are occupationally disabled. Additionally, some of the registered unemployed are not classified as unemployed in the LFS (due to the requirements of seeking work and availability for work). This applies especially to older people that are unemployed for long periods. Following the restructuring of the LFS from 2006, the involuntarily laid off (with a duration of up to 3 months) are also classified differently in the two statistics. In LFS, they are now regarded as employed, temporarily absent, while NAV still considers them unemployed. However, if someone has been completely laid off for more than 3 months in a row, they will be classified as unemployed in the LFS as well.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act §3-2, 2-2, 3-2 (Administrative registers)

EEA reference

Not relevant



All immigrants aged 15 - 74 years who are registered (under the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation) as unemployed and settled in Norway. (The date of reference is the end of the second month in the quarter). Among the registered unemployed a smaller group of non-registered residents are included. Those people are settled abroad and are expected a stay in Norway lesser than six months.This group is not included among the immigrants, but is a part of the rest of the population.

Data sources and sampling

The Register of unemployed (under the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation), the Central Population Register, Statistics Norway's Population statistics. In addition data from the Register of employees (also under the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation ) are used as supporting data when calculating the labour force.

Total counting.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Main figures concerning the whole population are compared to figures published by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation.

Immigrants are distributed by region of birth based on individual information about their country of birth. Unemployed are calculated in per cent of the labour force and in relation to the population 15 - 74 years. The figures are compared to main figures concerning the whole Norwegian labour force or the population and the non-immigrant segments within them. Immigrants are also counted in accordance with time of residence and their county of residence. Persons participating on ordinary labour market schemes are calculated in per cent of the population only. When calculating the unemployment rate, the labour force figures from the Labour Force Survey are used. These figures are distributed at lower levels by means of supporting figures from the Register of Employees.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The Directorate of Labour changed their definition of unemployed from 1. January 1999. This change has caused a break in the statistical continuity at that point of time

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The unemployment rate for the new reported quarter (in per cent of the labour force) is preliminary because of some delayed reports to the Register of employees . The correction of this figure the next quarter is however marginal.


Not relevant
