Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Sea catches of salmon and sea trout

The statistics provides an overview of catches of wild salmon, sea trout, migratory char, rainbow trout and pink salmon taken with stationary fishing gear in Norwegian fjords.

Updated: 14 November 2024
Next update: 14 November 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Sea catch of salmon and sea trout
    Sea catch of salmon and sea trout
    Atlantic salmon97 844133 651112 64875 196
    Sea trout1 5051 9331 7821 752
    Migratory char7479112168
    Rainbow trout230415
    Pink salmon71 719274183 427641
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sea catch of salmon and sea trout, by weight of fish and county. Kilo
    Sea catch of salmon and sea trout, by weight of fish and county. Kilo
    Catch of salmon, sea trout and migratory charSalmonSea troutMigratory char
    TotalLess than 3 kg3-7 kgOver 7 kg
    The whole country77 11675 19623 68031 47320 0431 752168
    Østfold1 0000000
    Oslo and Akershus1 :::::::
    Buskerud1 :::::::
    Vestfold1 0000000
    Telemark1 0000000
    Agder1 0000000
    Rogaland1 0000000
    Vestland1 0000000
    Møre og Romsdal1 1 0951 09527059523000
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage1 19 53518 7766 0329 5783 1657590
    Nordland - Nordlánnda82379423451545262
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa6 9366 8933 0052 994894377
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku48 62447 53414 12517 71115 698930159
    1South of Nordland, only Drammensfjorden, the Driva region and the regions Åfjorden and Namsfjorden have been open for salmon fishing in 2024.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sea catch of pink salmon and rainbow trout the last 4 years
    Sea catch of pink salmon and rainbow trout the last 4 years
    Pink salmonRainbow trout
    202171 71938 9302311
    2023183 42798 77041
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 16 October 2023.


Term referring to animals that regularly migrate from the ocean up the rivers to spawn.


The weight is stated in kilos live weight.

Fishing periods

Sea fishing in ordinary season : The period between 1 June and 4 August.

Specific fishing for escaped farmed fish : The period between 5 August and 28 February.

Before 1993 salmon were broken down into two groups, salmon under 3 kilos and salmon 3 kilos or more. Since 1993 salmon are divided into the following groups: under 3 kilos, between 3 and 6.9 kilos and 7 kilos and over.

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