Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Local administration of agricultural areas
The statistics give information about land transferred to various types of non-agricultural use, land reclamation, decisions taken about the splitting of agricultural property and applications for concessions to buy a farm.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Local administration of agricultural areas. DecaresDownload table as ...Local administration of agricultural areas. Decares
2024 Per cent 2023 - 2024 2019 - 2024 Agricultural area transferred to non-agricultural uses, total 5 288 -21.7 -38.4 Cultivated area 2 651 -4.9 -30.3 Cultivable area 2 636 -33.6 -44.9 Approved area for land reclamation 12 509 25.8 -55.5 Errors in agricultural area transferred to non-agricultural uses for 2020 and 2021 have been corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Agricultural area transferred to non-agricultural uses under the provision of the Land Act and The Planning and Building Act by county. DecaresDownload table as ...Agricultural area transferred to non-agricultural uses under the provision of the Land Act and The Planning and Building Act by county. Decares
Total Cultivated area Cultivable area 2019 8 591 3 803 4 788 2020 11 602 4 605 6 997 2021 5 654 2 956 2 698 2022 7 790 3 528 4 262 2023 6 756 2 787 3 969 2024 5 288 2 651 2 636 2024 Østfold 156 152 4 Oslo and Akershus 812 136 676 Innlandet 700 289 411 Buskerud 467 61 406 Vestfold 137 86 51 Telemark 46 36 10 Agder 234 148 86 Rogaland 429 364 65 Vestland 249 233 17 Møre og Romsdal 406 196 210 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 1 020 597 423 Nordland - Nordlánnda 123 66 22 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 473 275 22 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 37 15 22 Errors in agricultural area transferred to non-agricultural uses for 2020 and 2021 have been corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Land reclamation. CountyDownload table as ...Land reclamation. County
Number Decares Applications for land reclamation Area applied for land reclamation Approved area for land reclamation 2019 1 143 30 029 28 128 2020 1 114 23 120 21 641 2021 906 20 855 18 084 2022 841 17 420 15 900 2023 698 10 744 9 947 2024 795 13 759 12 509 2024 Østfold 22 318 283 Oslo and Akershus 25 589 529 Innlandet 210 4 442 4 241 Buskerud 19 496 334 Vestfold 11 199 147 Telemark 17 248 239 Agder 55 668 576 Rogaland 180 2 249 2 122 Vestland 67 783 695 Møre og Romsdal 34 438 358 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 116 2 334 2 205 Nordland - Nordlánnda 26 597 520 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 8 222 197 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 5 176 63 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 April 2021.
Arable land comprise fully cultivated land, surface-cultivated land and infield pastureland.
Fully cultivated land
Agricultural area that has been ploughed and can still be ploughed further. The area can be used for cultivating field crops or meadow and pasture renewed by ploughing.
Surface-cultivated land
Agricultural area that is mostly cleared and levelled in such a way that it can be mechanically harvested.
Infield pasture
Pastureland that cannot be mechanically harvested. At least 50 % of the area must be covered by grass species. The area must be fenced in unless it has natural boundaries such as rivers, lakes, sea, mountains etc. Areas of woodland, bogs, lakes and rocks each exceeding 1.0 decares are deducted.
Cultivable land
Area that after land cultivation fulfils the standard of easy or less easy arable land, and which fulfils climate and soil conditions for growing crops.
Conversion of cultivated and cultivable land are distributed on different aims according to the Planning and building Act:
1. Building areas Including areas for dwellings with associated facilities, shops, offices, industry, buildings for leisure purposes (leisure cabins with connected outhouses), as well as sites for public (state, county and municipal) buildings with a specified purpose, other buildings of specifically defined use to the general public, hostels and catering establishments and garages and petrol stations.
2. Agricultural areas Including areas for farming and forestry, reindeer farming and market gardening.
3. Public traffic areas Roads- for the purpose of this Act this also includes streets with pavements, footpaths, cycle paths, courtyards and squares - bridges, canals, railways, tramways, bus stations, parking areas, harbours, airports and other traffic facilities and the necessary land for installations and means of making the traffic areas safe etc.
4. Public outdoor recreation areas Parks, hiking trails, camping sites, areas used for play and sport, and sea areas used for such activities.
5. Danger areas Areas for high voltage installations, shooting ranges, stores of flammable goods and other installations which may represent a hazard to the public, and areas where, due to risk of landslide, flood or other special hazard, building is not permitted or shall be permitted only on special conditions out of consideration for safety.
6. Special areas Including areas for private roads, camping, areas for installations in the ground and in watercourses or for marine installations, areas with buildings and installations which should be preserved on account of their historical, antiquarian or other cultural value, fishing settlements, reindeer farming areas, areas for open-air recreation that are not included under item 4, green belts in industrial areas, nature conservation areas, climate conservation zones, sources of water supply with catchment area, areas with unobstructed visibility close to roads, areas where building is restricted around airports, and areas and installations for operation of radio navigation aids outside airports, areas for installation and operation of municipal technical facilities, graveyards and cemeteries, water and sewerage installations, areas for construction and operation of plants for energy production or district heating, cableways, amusement parks, golf courses, stone quarries and soil extraction sites and other areas entailing significant encroachment on terrain, installations for the Telecommunications Administration and exercise areas with appurtenant installations for the Defence Forces and the Civil Defence.
7. Common areas Common exit roads and common parking areas, common playgrounds for children, courtyards and other areas common to several properties.
8. Areas for renewal Densely built areas which are to be totally renewed or improved.
Several land use categories may be established within the same area or in the same building. However, the land use categories open air recreation area and nature conservation area may not be combined with the category agricultural area. It may also be stipulated that an area or building, after a specifically defined period of time or when other specific conditions have been fulfilled, shall be transferred from one land use category to another.
The municipalities in Norway are divided into 16 groups, based on inhabitants and economically framework conditions. Documentation is given in Rapport 2011/8 Statistics Norway: Gruppering av kommuner etter folkemengde og økonomiske rammebetingelser 2008