Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing;Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Aquaculture (terminated in Statistics Norway)2013, preliminary figures


Sales of slaughtered fish for food. Quantity, by fish species and county. Tonnes
TotalSalmonRainbow troutCharCodHalibutShellfishOther fish species
1The quantity is masured in round weight. The conversion factor for weight is changed from 2012.
2003584 421509 54468 9312722 1854261 8341 229
2004636 927563 91463 4013243 1656483 8171 658
2005661 798586 51258 8753527 4091 1974 9042 549
2006712 307629 88862 70389711 0871 1853 7492 798
2007842 061744 22077 46539511 1042 3073 2053 365
2008848 406737 69485 26646818 0521 5872 0533 286
2009961 839862 90874 07242120 9241 5681 728218
20101 019 712939 57554 53849221 2401 6102 001256
20111 144 8181 065 97558 36427615 2732 7671 926237
20121 321 1281 232 09474 67830910 0331 7402 001273
20131 246 5441 165 95472 600:3 7701 3852 363:
Rogaland77 87076 92547-:::-
Hordaland195 254157 62137 581-:-:-
Sogn og Fjordane118 369104 00813 242-::307-
Møre og Romsdal142 598128 33712 956-:474:-
Sør-Trøndelag133 357132 460-:--:-
Nord-Trøndelag93 14792 651----496-
Nordland237 291230 9843 462234::620-
Troms Romsa140 596137 8622 575-:-:-
Finnmark Finnmárku92 45989 734::----
Other Counties15 60315 372:---::