Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing;Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Aquaculture (terminated in Statistics Norway)2019, preliminary figures


Number of licenses running, workers and labour, by type of production and county. Salmon and rainbow trout
TotalProduction of fish for foodHatcheries and fingerling production
LicencesPersonsMan-hours (1000)LicencesPersonsMan-hours (1000)LicencesPersonsMan-hours (1000)
1Preliminary figures.
20091 2044 2385 7349902 9304 2302141 3081 504
20101 2074 9326 4499943 4564 7912131 4761 658
20111 2255 3166 8671 0163 7845 0752091 5321 792
20121 2065 4267 1941 0063 9695 3642001 4571 830
20131 2085 5657 8631 0184 1776 0281901 3881 835
20141 2045 7598 1411 0154 2986 2391891 4611 902
20151 2566 3528 7441 0674 7546 7431891 5982 001
20161 2867 2739 9381 0995 6277 7791871 6462 159
20171 3237 50210 0661 1295 7627 9231941 7402 143
20181 3447 90310 6381 1606 1298 3651841 7742 273
201911 3668 20211 1151 1866 3508 7761801 8522 339
Hordaland (-2019)2351 5712 0461861 1821 57149389476
Sogn og Fjordane (-2019)1115637199945359312110126
Møre og Romsdal1527351 03012450872828227301
Trøndelag - Trööndelage2411 5962 1122121 2661 69229330420
Nordland2591 6252 1412281 1851 63131440510
Troms - Romsa (-2019)1348831 2581247501 06410133194
Finnmark - Finnmárku (-2019)110605941106::4::
Other Counties3311813630::3::