Aust-Agder: Four out of ten holdings do not operate land
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jt1999, Census of agriculture (discontinued), farmers, farming, holdings, size of farm, outbuildings, farmlands, agricultural machinery, livestock, horticulture, greenhouse, allodial law, agricultural education, supplementary industriesCensuses of agriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Census of agriculture (discontinued)1999

The statistics has been discontinued, see the Census from 2010: Census of agriculture



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Aust-Agder: Four out of ten holdings do not operate land

The final figures from the 1999 Census of Agriculture show that since 1989 four out of ten holdings in the county of Aust-Agder did not operate the agricultural area anymore. The land at these holdings was rented by other holdings. Therefore the total agricultural area in use do not show the same decrease.

The final figures from the census show that the number of farms with agricultural area in use has fallen from 2 100 in 1989 to 1 300 in 1999, a decrease of 41 per cent. It was the minor holdings with less than 50 decares in use that represented the reduction. In 1989 about 1 300 holdings or 62 per cent had less than 50 decares agricultural area in use. In 1999 the share had fallen to 34 per cent or 400 holdings.

More land rental

Almost two out of three holdings rented agricultural land in addition to own land. In 1999 were 58 000 decares or almost half of all land in use rented. In 1989 about 35 per cent of the land was rented, and it was less than half of the farmers that rented area.

70 per cent of all agricultural land was cultivated meadow for mowing and pasturing, and one fifth of the cultivated meadow was 10 years or older. Area of grain represented 10 per cent of all land in use in 1999. This was slightly less than in 1989.

9 400 full-time equivalents

In all the labour input corresponded to 1 200 full-time equivalents in Aust-Agder. 600 holdings had labour inputs less than a half full-time equivalent, while 400 holdings had labour inputs of one full-time equivalent or more. Of total 2 300 holders and spouse/cohabitants 480 worked at least 1 500 man-hours on the holding. In 1989 700 of the holders worked 1 500 man-hours or more on the holding.

Less new tractors

20 per cent of the tractors was younger than ten years in 1999. I 1989 about 38 per cent of the tractors was younger than ten years. The tractors are growing bigger and stronger, and in 1999 almost 60 per cent of the tractors had four wheel drive. In 1989 less than half of the tractors were four-wheel driven.

Other results

In its survey of the various conditions in the agricultural industry the Census of Agriculture ranges widely. It is not possible to comment on all results here. For more information, please see the appendix and municipality data. Contact Statistics Norway for more information or to have the data arranged differently.
