Small decline in roundwood cutting
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogav, Commercial roundwood removals, timber price, quantity timber cut, felling, forest waste, spruce, pine, broad-leaved trees, firewood, pulp wood, saw logsForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Commercial roundwood removals2000, preliminary figures



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Small decline in roundwood cutting

Preliminary figures show a total of 8.2 million cubic metres of timber and fuel wood were cut for sale in 2000 3 per cent less than in 1999. The total value of roundwood sold was NOK 2.6 billion, NOK 172 million less than the year before.

 Quantity cut for sale. 1977/78-2000

The quantity of timber cut for sale in 2000 decreased by 3 per cent from 1999. In the last five years the cutting of industrial roundwood have been between 7.5 and 8.0 million cubic metres.

The total value of timber amounted to just over NOK 2.4 billion. This is 6 per cent less than the value in 1999. Each cubic metre of timber brought an averaged of NOK 322, against NOK 334 in 1999.

 Average price per cubic metre industrial wood for sale. 1979/80-2000

About 4 million cubic metres were spruce and pine saw logs. This was 2 per cent less than in 1999. 3.3 million cubic metres were pulpwood, 3 per cent less than the year before. The roundwood cut of special timber of coniferous trees decreased by 27 per cent, special and saw logs of broad-leaved trees 18 per cent, and the cutting of other round timber 21 per cent.

55 per cent of the timber was purchased by sawmills and the wood products industry, 36 per cent by the pulp industry in Norway and 5 per cent was exported.

Reported estimates of wood sold as fuel in 2000 totaled 678 000 cubic metres which is 5 per cent less than in 1999.
