Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing;Energy and manufacturing

Meat production1st half-year 2018, preliminary figures


Public meat inspection. Carcasses approved for human consumption. 1st half year. Number of carcasses
PigPoultryCattleSheepGoatHorseOther meat
1st half year 2008740 80330 339 236160 365142 40314 81761756
1st half year 2009734 53130 372 555152 666130 96114 92474975
1st half year 2010761 19731 186 978146 512138 72714 51565890
1st half year 2011775 05231 336 574149 043137 96012 15973263
1st half year 2012781 18931 776 528142 934142 01311 281570248
1st half year 2013796 70935 039 839148 975136 22512 11259584
1st half year 2014793 50639 133 478143 795141 47812 48729350
1st half year 2015783 37832 799 531136 814135 19214 75317239
1st half year 2016821 34332 810 663136 704140 51714 14012740
1st half year 2017806 22333 986 597136 967158 77717 18411269
1st half year 2018855 12232 385 326149 432110 11816 1288039
1st half year 2018
Østfold64 7135 306 7093 315969821-
Akershus and Oslo31 769559 2413 1911 6021165-
Hedmark120 7045 290 18610 2975 2255951337
Oppland56 535312 59021 24613 9012 55816-
Buskerud6 188184 7824 9127 0512 1081-
Vestfold56 2731 005 5432 79994855-
Telemark13 324141 1982 3512 1951 3761-
Aust-Agder7 707-1 3402 38122--
Vest-Agder9 364183 5564 0954 1292142
Rogaland249 9219 510 01225 09128 3967254-
Hordaland15 78931 4026 74110 2818121-
Sogn og Fjordane13 556-9 5727 7973 2768-
Møre og Romsdal16 55587 60112 2994 7801 734--
Trøndelag142 1889 772 50628 74010 06433020-
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)0000000
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)0000000
Nordland45 133-9 7336 1751 0371-
Troms - Romsa5 083-2 4023 2631 331--
Finnmark - Finnmárku320-1 309961---