Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Cultural facilities

These statistics are based on the figures from KOSTRA (Municipal-State-Reporting) and indicate the use of cultural expenditure in the local authorities and county authorities.

Updated: 17 March 2025
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Cultural facilities in local authorities and county authorities in Norway
    Cultural facilities in local authorities and county authorities in Norway
    Local authorities’ net operating expenditures for cultural purposes of total net operating expenditures (per cent)
    Local authorities’ net operating expenditures on cultural purposes per capita (NOK)3 0843 3083 378
    County authorities’ net operating expenditures on cultural purposes of total net operating expenditures (per cent)
    County authorities’ net operating expenditures on cultural purposes per capita (NOK)356377382
    Explanation of symbols
  • Pupils in municipal culture schools
    Pupils in municipal culture schools
    Children (age 6-15) in municipal culture school (per cent)12.812.912.9
    Pupils in municipal culture school (number)95 97997 46197 231
    Children (age 6-15) in municipal culture school (number)82 58184 50381 388
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loan at the public library
    Loan at the public library
    Children's literature - fiction5 743 3816 088 0756 519 087
    Children's literature - non-fiction948 6961 065 3941 173 026
    Adult literature - fiction3 169 5303 488 5093 609 087
    Adult literature - non-fiction1 811 0751 918 1241 934 963
    Audiobooks198 648146 404101 534
    Films508 683385 085345 407
    E-books908 745890 792838 040
    Explanation of symbols
  • Cinemas and cinema visits
    Cinemas and cinema visits
    Cinema buildings (number)204203202
    Cinema auditoriums (number)685689672
    Cinema visit (number)8 759 7119 347 7158 152 277
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 14 June 2023.

The municipalities are broken down into 17 groups according to population and economical structure. These groups are based on a report from Marit Kringlebotten and Audun Langørgen: "Gruppering av kommuner etter folkemengde og økonomiske rammebetingelser 2020"(Reports 2020/48, Statistics Norway).

In calculating the average for counties, the municipalities are divided into 11 counties in accordance with the standard for municipality classification. Counties are divided into six groups where Oslo is a group of its own.

See Classification of municipalities and Classification of county municipality.

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