Academic and special libraries2003


All releases for Academic and special libraries - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
9 June 2021 2020 2020
8 June 2020 2019 2019
2 July 2019 2018 2018
27 July 2018 2017 2017
13 June 2017 2016 2016
26 May 2016 2015 Increasing digital use
4 June 2015 2014 More downloads
22 May 2014 2013 Fewer books and publication series
12 June 2013 2012 Lending at 2.3 million
3 July 2012 2011 20 million books and publication series
5 July 2011 2010 Decrease in books and publication series
5 May 2010 2009 Rise in loans
8 May 2009 2008 1.5 billion digital documents
6 May 2008 2007 4.1 million loans
30 May 2007 2006 90 per cent increase in digital documents