6,7 million participants in Church-services
Culture and recreation;Public sector
kirke_kostra, Church of Norway, state church, Church of Norway, members, christening, confirmation, church weddings, funerals, services, communion, church collection, diocese, operating costs, employeesReligion and life stance , KOSTRA , Culture and recreation, Public sector

Church of Norway2005



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6,7 million participants in Church-services

Close to 70 000 services and more than 6,7 million participants at services were registered in Church of Norway during 2005.

About 5,4 million attended church services on Sundays and holidays. 1,3 million attended church services other than Sundays and holidays. About 9 per cent of all participants attended a Christmas Eve service. There were almost 28 000 services with communion and more than 1,1 million persons who took part in the communion.

Close to 43 000 persons were baptized and slightly more than 42 000 were confirmed. The number of reported new members in the Church of Norway were 1 177, while members who were reported out were about 6 000.

7 571 persons were employed, and 5 349 man-years were worked in religiously related activities in Church of Norway in 2005.
