An official address is the complete address for a building, part of a building, unit of use, property or another object that is registered with an address in Norway’s official property register, the cadastre. Every address must be specified by coordinates.
Buildings in the Ground Property, Address and Building Register (GAB) that are included in Norwegian statistics are defined as constructions for which a utility floor space can be measured. The utility floor space is measured in accordance with Norwegian Standard NS 3940 Area and volume calculations of buildings.
Cattle, often referred to simply as cows and bulls, are a type of livestock that is kept for milk and meat production.
County (administrative)
County (administrative) is an administrative unit for regional state and county authority activities, respectively.
County (geographic)
County (geographic) is a designation for a regional level in statistics. The counties are delimited by the national border, territorial border, demarcation line at sea and county border.
A course is an educational activity.
Election includes Norwegian parliamentary, county, municipal and Sámi parliamentary elections.
A family consists of persons who are permanently resident in the same dwelling, and who are linked to each other as spouses, cohabitants, registered partners and/or as parents and unmarried children (regardless of the age of the unmarried child(ren)). A family can, at most, consist of two (consecutive) generations, and only one married/cohabiting couple. Individuals are also regarded as families, whereby all persons belong to a family and a household, either with others, or on their own.
Goods are tangible products, while services are intangible products/activities.
Governmental enterprise
Government enterprises are administrative bodies, including ministries, i.e. all enterprises that are part of the government as legal entities.
A household consists of persons who are permanently resident in the same dwelling (dwelling unit) or institution. A private household consists of persons who are permanently resident in the same dwelling, but the dwelling is not an institution. An institutional household consists of persons who are permanently resident, and whose needs for food, nursing and care, are covered in the institution.
Legal unit
A legal unit is what you create when you register to run a business in Norway. Legal units are recognised by law or by society, independently of the persons or institutions that own them, or natural persons who are engaged in an economic activity in their own right. Examples of legal entities are joint stock companies, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, etc.
The enterprise is the smallest combination of legal units that is an organizational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources. An enterprise carries out one or more activities at one or more locations. An enterprise may be a sole legal unit.
Establishment or local kind-of-activity is defined as a locally delimited functional unit that mainly conducts activity within a specific NACE class.
Kind-of-activity unit
The kind-of-activity unit includes all parts of an enterprise that contribute to the performance of a specific business activity within a specific NACE class. This is a unit that corresponds to one or more establishments in the enterprise.
Municipality (administrative)
Municipality (administrative) is an administrative unit that denotes both a political and an administrative level.
Municipality (geographic))
Municipality (geographic) is a designation for a regional level in statistics. The municipalities are delimited by the national border, territorial border, demarcation line at sea, county border and municipality border. In addition, the baseline and 1 nautical mile are included, which are legal demarcations off the coast.
An offence is a punishable act as described in the Norwegian penal codes and special legislation.
Person is a single person, an individual.
Port call
About ships: visiting a port
Property is any object to which property rights can be attached. In Statistics Norway's statistics, property is the same as "immovable property". (The other two main categories are personal property and intellectual property)
Securities is a document that represents a monetary claim, e.g. shares, bond and contracts.
A ship is a vessel used to transport people or goods on water. Ship is a common term for a larger seagoing vessel, in contrast to boat, which usually denotes a smaller craft or vessel.
Traffic accident
A traffic accidents include fatal accidents and other accidents with personal injury that have been reported to the police. The traffic accidents have occurred on a public or private road, street or space open to general traffic.
Transaction is an economic term for the transfer of a given sum of money (digital or cash) from one party to another, in return for some form of good or service.
Utility unit
Utility unit is defined as a room, or a collection of rooms and open areas, that are collectively used for a specific purpose by a user, who may be the owner, tenant, or another usufructuary. Furthermore, a functional unit may be a building, e.g., an office building, or multiple buildings, e.g., a hospital, but it may also be a part of a building, e.g., a dwelling, office or a department in a hospital.
("Dwelling" was replaced by the unit type "utility unit" i November 2024)
A vehicle is an appliance that is provided to drive on the ground.
Workplace accident
Workplace accidents include occupational injuries and fatal accidents on Norwegian or foreign territory, in petroleum activities at sea and in service on ships or during fishing/hunting.