National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ3 2017


Households' financial assets, liabilities and net lending. NOK million.
3rd quarter 20164th quarter 20161st quarter 20172nd quarter 20173rd quarter 2017
Net financial assets986 658993 4421 025 3491 047 5611 064 392
Assets4 217 3384 293 4654 348 6164 452 8284 495 469
Cash and currency38 65540 21837 06937 70236 041
Deposits1 146 6631 153 2361 154 1341 216 6201 207 208
Debt securities12 40410 79210 81110 77210 969
Loans87 95387 72688 13688 17888 445
Equity982 4241 006 7241 021 7191 040 5521 060 998
Investment fund shares or units151 954161 769171 483177 214181 735
Insurance and pension entitilements1 397 6021 410 2521 440 5801 464 7561 494 261
Other accounts receivable399 683422 748424 684417 034415 812
Liabilities3 230 6803 300 0233 323 2673 405 2673 431 077
Loans3 088 2923 128 7063 173 9303 233 8803 284 327
Other accounts payable142 388171 317149 337171 387146 750
Net lending-28 149-20 9213 883-4 251-16 031