National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ1 2018


Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
1st quarter 2018Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-959 608-182 2957 862 550168 3546 889 001
Assets1 628 3483 444 6898 492 586265 88913 831 512
Cash and currency, etc.017 4800017 480
Deposits42 125630 10619 6077 046698 884
Debt securities22 1341 153 9892 610 7524 9463 791 821
Loans298 536403 751305 87701 008 164
Equity938 372791 7515 502 89837 4827 270 503
Investment fund shares or units1 095227 95665822 541252 250
Insurance and pension entitlements015 3780015 378
Other accounts receivable326 086204 27852 794193 874777 032
Liabilities2 587 9563 626 984630 03697 5356 942 511
Cash and currency, etc.017 8220017 822
Deposits01 428 547001 428 547
Debt securities410 4141 489 013285 97002 185 397
Loans830 015110 645296 38019 9721 257 012
Equity1 258 000295 484001 553 484
Investment fund shares or units0107 11600107 116
Insurance and pension entitlements028 2990028 299
Other accounts payable89 527150 05847 68677 563364 834