National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ4 2018


Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
4th quarter 2018Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-872 716-214 9417 943 521189 4807 045 344
Assets1 723 8043 618 6858 656 105289 43214 288 026
Cash and currency, etc.018 8100018 810
Deposits34 172707 85013 3007 334762 656
Debt securities22 4441 336 5662 678 8945 1244 043 028
Loans307 856375 803322 94201 006 601
Equity996 296720 0445 610 01954 3407 380 699
Investment fund shares or units1 037233 45071322 971258 171
Insurance and pension entitlements013 6210013 621
Other accounts receivable361 999212 54130 237199 663804 440
Liabilities2 596 5203 833 626712 58499 9527 242 682
Cash and currency, etc.018 8540018 854
Deposits01 505 205001 505 205
Debt securities427 5841 591 005303 99902 322 588
Loans750 487120 427388 05321 4121 280 379
Equity1 317 474310 557001 628 031
Investment fund shares or units0110 99500110 995
Insurance and pension entitlements025 9490025 949
Other accounts payable100 975150 63420 53278 540350 681