National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ1 2019


Domestic sectors' financial assets and liabilities towards the rest of the world. Last period. NOK million.
1st quarter 2019Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NIPSHSum domestic sectors
1Including reconciliation sector.
Net financial assets-924 397-132 8678 601 762195 7947 740 292
Assets1 732 7583 821 1739 276 712295 89215 126 535
Cash and currency, etc.019 0480019 048
Deposits19 983785 38418 1647 334830 865
Debt securities31 5791 338 6982 551 5146 6273 928 418
Loans302 128444 486315 17501 061 789
Equity1 009 675767 0416 316 60655 9458 149 267
Investment fund shares or units973257 76971323 946283 401
Insurance and pension entitlements014 5090014 509
Other accounts receivable368 420194 23874 540202 040839 238
Liabilities2 657 1553 954 040674 950100 0987 386 243
Cash and currency, etc.018 7130018 713
Deposits01 539 753001 539 753
Debt securities433 6831 639 222326 22202 399 127
Loans741 236117 341259 16821 4121 139 157
Equity1 386 376317 241001 703 617
Investment fund shares or units0121 85000121 850
Insurance and pension entitlements029 5950029 595
Other accounts payable95 860170 32589 56078 686434 431