National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ3 2019


Financial assets, liablilities and net lending by institutional sectors. Last period. NOK million.
3rd quarter 2019Non-financial corporations1Financial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds & NPISHRest of the world
1Including reconciliation sector
Net finanical assets-4 450 810179 89311 500 6071 307 490-8 537 180
Assets8 657 18813 811 21313 204 1185 159 8387 563 309
Cash and currency, etc.3 93425 0881 27431 02319 381
Deposits804 7581 058 480369 7161 399 7051 547 781
Debt securities134 5862 574 8962 936 23220 0982 545 742
Loans1 932 4556 476 991900 483104 6411 129 030
Equity4 303 1271 956 2428 410 9111 215 4071 717 836
Investment fund shares or units80 0721 164 27018 239226 729132 834
Insurance and pension entitlements132 89528 564115 5941 697 61529 371
Other accounts receivable1 265 361526 682451 669464 620441 334
Liabilities13 107 99813 631 3201 703 5113 852 34816 100 489
Cash and currency, etc.059 5950021 105
Deposits04 334 87000845 570
Debt securities719 5372 615 693643 45804 232 866
Loans4 083 444964 309784 7323 690 7291 020 386
Equity6 949 9091 856 532008 797 082
Investment fund shares or units01 312 78600309 358
Insurance and pension entitlements01 988 6510015 388
Other accounts payable1 355 108498 884275 321161 619858 734
Net lending, sum 4 last quarters-72 298-16 118248 213-3 932-155 865