National accounts and business cycles

Financial accountsQ3 2019


Households' financial assets, liabilities and net lending. NOK million.
3rd quarter 20184th quarter 20181st quarter 20192nd quarter 20193rd quarter 2019
Net financial assets1 114 7351 026 0971 109 5161 127 6231 138 146
Assets4 758 6114 731 2144 834 0494 937 7374 963 147
Cash and currency32 73234 51131 16031 41530 315
Deposits1 267 3271 262 5281 281 4621 347 7951 327 560
Debt securities10 09310 03811 47011 47912 126
Loans103 157103 347103 481103 650104 641
Equity1 111 7371 102 1341 124 8381 131 6041 144 478
Investment fund shares or units182 699165 651179 261182 438187 386
Insurance and pension entitilements1 613 6131 592 2211 637 2271 669 9351 697 299
Other accounts receivable437 253460 784465 150459 421459 342
Liabilities3 643 8763 705 1173 724 5333 810 1143 825 001
Loans3 486 9783 524 4313 564 3603 625 1333 664 601
Other accounts payable156 898180 686160 173184 981160 400
Net lending-29 337-25 30429 7192 605-12 713